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#FactoryWisskomm: "Perspectives for action in science communication"


The COVID 19 pandemic has impressively shown us how much the interactions between science, society, media and politics shape all our lives and how important communication about, from and with science is. But what does it take to conduct quality-guided science communication? How can scientists who communicate be supported and what recognition do they receive for it? How can the public discourse on science issues be strengthened and enriched through independent and critical science journalism?

In autumn 2020, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) launched the #FactoryWisskomm strategy process on these questions, in which the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin also participated. Until April 2021, we worked together with over 150 colleagues from science and communication in six working groups to develop perspectives for action in science communication. Now these will be presented to the public.

The digital closing event of #FactoryWisskomm on Wednesday, 23 June 2021, 6.30 - 8.45 p.m. with Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek MdB is open to all interested parties. We invite you to follow the live stream from the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin at the following link: The link will only become active on the evening of the event.) Registration is not necessary.

The perspectives for action in science communication will be presented in a moderated discussion by members of the #FactoryWisskomm:

  • Prof. Jutta Allmendinger (Social Science Research Center Berlin) for the Quality working group.
  • Dr. Birte Fähnrich (BBAW) for the working group Research Field Wisskomm
  • Christian Luft, State Secretary at the BMBF and Chair of the #FactoryWisskomm,
  • Tatjana König (Körber Foundation) for the working group Participation
  • Prof. Stefanie Molthagen-Schnöring (Berlin University of Applied Sciences) and Martin Grund (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences) for the working group Recognition and Reputation
  • Prof. Ortwin Renn (IASS Potsdam) for the working group Science Journalism
  • Rebecca Winkels (Wissenschaft im Dialog) for the working group Capacity Building

Afterwards, Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius (Alfred Wegener Institute for Marine and Polar Research), Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten (Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin), Manuel J. Hartung (Head of the WISSEN department of DIE ZEIT), Dr. Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim (maiLab) and Dr. Ernst Dieter Rossmann MdB will discuss the relationship between science, society, media and politics in times of Corona with Federal Minister Anja Karliczek. A science slam on "What is science communication" by Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching (Ostfalia - University of Applied Sciences) will round off the evening.

The complete programme can be viewed here.
The publication "Action Perspectives for Science Communication" will also be available for download at the above link from 23 June 2021.