From dinosaurs to hamsters and wild animals in Berlin: The kids podcast Süßes oder Saurier brings the diversity of nature into the children's room. Currently, the fifth season with ten episodes appears every 14 days on Wednesdays – on Spotify, Deezer, Apple Podcasts and everywhere else where you can listen to podcasts.
Unfortunately, due to a cyber attack on the museum, the podcast is currently not accessible via our Data Portal.
Nature galore
Were dinos green? Do hamsters and guinea pigs want to cuddle with us? And why do volcanoes steam? The reporter team of Jule Kaden and Sparky, mascot of our main sponsor Berliner Sparkasse, get to the bottom of these and many other children's questions. The two of them learn everything about cute animals, real dinosaurs and fascinating natural secrets from the museum's experts. This creates curious stories from the natural and animal world for children to listen to. Even adults can learn something here.
The podcast Süßes oder Saurier , which may be translated with Trick or T. rex, supplements the podcast Beats & Bones, which has been around since August 2020. Both podcasts are created as part of the cooperation with Berliner Sparkasse under the motto #WissenSchafftDurchblick ("knowledge creates perspective"). Against this background, you can send questions about everything that crawls, stomps, bubbles and flies as a voice message to +49 176 921 362 08 or by e-mail to, which will be answered by our experts.
This podcast is produced by the Berlin audio production company Auf die Ohren.

#fürNatur digital
Dinosaur masks, a YouTube series in German and the Naturblick app: Find more digital offers for families and children on this page.

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