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digitize! Live Science

Digitization lab in the exhibition

30 million objects – that's the size of the museum's collection. Over the next few years, we will be digitizing our collection bit by bit as part of the collection development of our Future plan. New technologies and workflows need to be developed and trialled for this. We are testing different methods and techniques in the ‘digitize!’ exhibition hall.

Most recently, we developed a digitization street for insects together with partners from industry and science. The pilot project was launched in October 2021, in which 500,000 insects from the museum's collection were digitized using a semi-automated conveyor belt. The data sets will soon be made available online in our data portal.

Now we are taking the next step. The hall is being transformed and new digitization stations are moving in, where our employees are digitizing insects as well as other objects from the collection. 

Gain a unique insight into the work of the museum and discover exciting stories about research and the collection.

  • historische Vitrine mit Projektion
  • Besucherinnen bestaunen Insektenfilm in der Ausstellung
  • Besucherinnen schauen beim Umstecken von Insekten zu
  • Digitize_Museum für Naturkunde (c) Thomas Rosenthal 15
  • Person scannt mit Smartphone einen QR Code in der Ausstellung