Für Natur, for nature! – With #fürNatur digital we let you experience the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin with its collection of 30 million objects online, get excited about nature and participate in our research.
Virtual museum visit
Guided Tours on YouTube
In our Guided Tours, you can experience the museum and its collection from home. Accompany our guides on YouTube on a research trip through the exhibition!
YouTube playlist Guided Tours in English
Digital Guide
Our Digital Guide supplements your visit to the exhibition with the help of your own smartphone. No app is required to use it. Look forward to more than five hours of knowledge on your ear, which you can also access from home!
The content is available in eleven languages. An audio guide for children from the age of six years in German and English as well as a highlight tour in German sign language complete the offer.

"Queering Nature" audioguide
How is nature sexualized? How do researchers determine the sex of a dinosaur? What does colonialism have to do with botany and gender in plants? Which knowledge – and whose knowledge – is (re)presented at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, and what remains hidden? Queering Nature highlights a queer historical perspective on nature and science.

Google Arts & Culture
Also with Google Arts & Culture, you can visit parts of the museum virtually. Marvel at the diversity of nature on the digital Biodiversity Wall with around 3,000 prepared animal species or examine the world's largest mounted dinosaur skeleton from a frog's perspective.
Discover Museum für Naturkunde Berlin via Google Street View (as of 2016)
twiddle – the museum riddle
Explore the world in eight museums! With twiddle, the game of the eight research museums within the Leibniz Association, you can embark on a tour of discovery with our collection objects. Collect, create new objects and look at the world from different perspectives.
Download for free: Play Store • App Store

Life: Through the looking glass
The online exhibition tells eight captivating stories about the research processes of young scientists from the EvoCELL network, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) that includes eleven excellent research departments and institutions across Europe, including from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.
Researchers are studying animal evolution from a cellular perspective, using new technologies to uncover a previously unseen world. Their research is complex – so complex that most communication about it never leaves the scientific community.

Digital collection: Our Data Portal
Note: Unfortunately, due to a cyber attack on the museum, the data portal is not accessible.
As part of our Future Plan, we make our collection digitally accessible: From dinosaur bones to the smallest fly, researchers and all other interested parties from all over the world will be able to access information about our collection objects around the clock with just a few clicks.
In the Data Portal, among other objects, processed sound recordings of animal noises are waiting to be discovered. The Data Portal was published as a beta version and will be expanded both in terms of content and functions in the future. The aim is to provide all interested parties worldwide with simplified, digital access to our research collection.

Further digital offers for nature
Species identification with the Naturblick app
Only conscious access to nature makes it possible to appreciate and promote it. Our free app Naturblick is your digital assistant for exploring the city's nature. Identify birds by recording their chirping or plants using image recognition and learn more about the diversity of species in Berlin and other major cities.
Download: Play Store (Android) • Apple Store (iOs)
Open access science journals
- Fossil Record: the palaeontological journal of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.
- German Entomological Journal: research on systematics, taxonomy, phylogeny, comparative functional morphology and biogeography of insects.
- Zoosystematics and Evolution: Life Science Journal on the diversity, systematics and evolution of all animal groups, except for insects.
#fürNatur digital: Family and children edition
Have a look at our digital offers for families and children on this page.