The dramatic loss of biodiversity is endangering our livelihood. We now need the solidarity of science, politics, business and civil society for nature-positive corporate action. The attached Frankfurt Declaration on the UN World Conference on Nature CBD COP 15 was drafted by the three Leibniz Research Museums - Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Natural History Research Museums Senckenberg and Museum Koenig Bonn Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change and the Economic Science Institutes ESMT Berlin and Leibniz Institute for Financial Market Research SAFE Frankfurt as well as the NGOs Zoological Society Frankfurt and Campaign for Nature. On the occasion of the World Conference on Nature CBD COP 15, which starts in Montreal 7 Dezember, the declaration calls for clear framework conditions by politics and joint steps by science, economy and civil society. The conference brings together high-ranking people from business and science to discuss urgently needed measures and challenges. The greater the number of people who support the Frankfurt Declaration, the more weight it will carry. We therefore cordially ask you to support the Declaration by signing at the following link.