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MfN in Springer Nature 2019 Highlights

Krebssammlung im Ostflügel, der Nass-Sammlung des Museums, Foto: Carola Radke / MfN

The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN) is an integrated research museum, where research is conducted with passion and competence for nature and collection-based, internationally visible research is carried out. It is based on the collection as a global core infrastructure, where researchers work and publish in many scientific collaborations worldwide. One of these publications had the collection itself as its subject: In the anthology Zoological Collections of Germany (L. Beck, ed.), P. Giere, P. Bartsch and C. Quaisser in the chapter Berlin: from Humboldt to HVac - the zoological collections of the Museum für Naturkunde Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science in Berlin give a comprehensive overview of the zoological collection of the MfN from its roots to the future and describe with current examples, which relevance the collection has for the deepening of research, for the transfer of knowledge and for the changes in nature and society. This publication has now been selected as one of the Springer Nature 2019 Highlights - a selection of the most popular articles and book chapters published by Springer in the past year, reflecting the relevant top-level research.