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For Nature: Insect Day 20. and 21. March 2019

Unser neues Poster mit den wunderschönen Prachtkäfern entstand aus dem Kultur-Hackathon Coding Da Vinci.

What are we going to do to protect the insects? For this question, the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and the world's first quality mark for insect repellents, Insect Respect, have joined forces. For the first time, Insect Day will take place in Berlin. Visitors to the Research Museum are invited to immerse themselves in the world of insects. In addition, a symposium will be held for players from business, politics, research and environmental organizations.

20. March 2019

Panel Discussion "Insects need a lobby: What needs to change in Germany NOW in politics, economy and with each individual?

21. March 2019

Action day around the diversity of insects

Symposium Focus on Economy