The research cooperation between the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin opened the virtual research environment for the Berlin Kunstkammer in December.
The aim of the DFG-funded project "Das Fenster zur Natur und Kunst" is to collaboratively develop a historical-critical reappraisal of the "Brandenburg-Prussian Kunstkammer" in order to link 1,928 objects and 58 digitised inventories, travel reports and descriptions from several sources. The basis is provided by the research and documentation environment WissKI, a web-based, semantic indexing and research of cultural heritage.
The project phases from 2018 - 2022 made it possible to obtain a transperspective view of the collection and its development over several centuries, which the Museum für Naturkunde, the Humboldt - Universität zu Berlin and Staatliche Museen zu Berlin have made available to the broader public.
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