- E-Mail: ulrich.struck@mfn.berlin
- Tel: +49 30 889140 - 8552
- Fax: +49 30 889140 - 8565
Museum für Naturkunde
Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung
Invalidenstraße 43
10115 Berlin
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Struck
1. Monographs
Schaupeter, W., and Struck, U., 1988, Flächenhafte Kartierung der mesozoischen und känozoischen Sedimente of Bohemannflya und Erdmannflya am nördlichen Isfjordenufer, Spitzbergen, Svalbard. [Diploma thesis]: Kiel, 95 p.
Struck, U., 1988, Die Ablagerungsgeschichte der zentralen Norwegischen See während der letzten 300,000 Jahre. [Diploma thesis]: Kiel, 47 p.
Struck, U., 1992, Zur Paläo-Ökologie benthischer Foraminiferen im Europäischen Nordmeer während der letzten 600,000 Jahre. [PhD thesis]: Kiel, 129 p.
Struck, U. 2008, Beispiele der Anwendung stabiler Stickstoffisotope in bio-geowissenschaftlichen Forschungsfeldern. – kumulative Habilitationsschrift LMU München, 101pp.
2. Sammelbände
Emeis, K.-C. and Struck, U. (eds) 1998. . Gotland Basin Experiment (GOBEX) Status Report on Investigations concerning Benthic Processes,Sediment Formation and Accumulation. – Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte, 34, 123pp.
3. Reviewed journals- and book chapters
97. Wang, Dan, Hong-Fei Ling, Ulrich Struck, Su-Ping Yao,Da Li, Wei Wei, Guang-Yi Wei (in press). Organic carbon isotope stratigraphy of Huitong section during the early Cambrian in Hunan Province. Geological Journal of China Universities, in press.
96. Wasmund, N., Struck, U., Hansen, A., Flohr, A., Nausch, G., Grüttmüller, A. and Voß, M. (2015) Missing nitrogen fixation in the Benguela region. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 106, 30-41.
95. Rix, Laura, Malik S. Naumann, Christina E. Mueller, Jasper M. de Goeij, , Ulrich Struck, Jack J. Middelburg, Fuad Al-Horani, Christian Wild, Dick van Oevelen (submitted 2015) Coral mucus fuels the sponge loop in warm- and cold-water coral reef ecosystems. – Nature Scientific Reports, in press Oct. 2015.
94. Wang, Dan; Ulrich Struck, Hongfei Ling, Tianchen He, Ben Yang, Graham Shields-Zhou, Maoyan Zhu (2015) Fluctuations in the marine oxygenation and feedbacks as a control on biological innovation in the late Ediacaran - early Cambrian, South China: Evidence from the nitrogen isotopes. –Precambrian Research, 267: 209-226
93. Och, Lawrence M; Lorenzo Cremonese, Graham A. Shields-Zhou, Simon W. Poulton, Ulrich Struck, Hongfei Ling, Da Li, Xi Chen, Christina Manning, Matthew Thirlwall, Harald Strauss and Maoyan Zhu (accepted) – Sedimentology accepted manuscript, online available DOI: 10.1111/sed.12220.
92. Gamper, A., U. Struck, F. Ohnemueller, C. Heubeck, and S. Hohl (2015) Chemo- and biostratigraphy of the Gaojiashan section (northern Yangtze platform, South China): a new Pc-C boundary section. Foss. Rec., 18, 105–117, 2015
91. Kürten, B., Hisham S. Khomayis, Reny Devassy, Saskia Audritz, Ulrich Sommer, Ulrich Struck, Mohsen M. El-Sherbiny, and Ali M. Al-Aidaroos (online first). Ecohydrographic constraints on biodiversity and distribution of phytoplankton and zooplankton in coral reefs of the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. Marine Ecology, 10/2014; DOI: 10.1111/maec.12224
90. Cremonese, L., GA Shields-Zhou, U Struck, HF Ling, LM Och (2014) Nitrogen and organic carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Yangtze Platform during the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition in South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 398, 165-186
89. Seemann, J., Gonzalez C.T., Carballo-Bolanos, R., Berry, K., Heiss, G. A., Struck, U., and Leinfelder, R. R. (2014):Assessing the ecological effects of human impacts on coral reefs in Bocas del Toro, Panama. March 2014, Volume 186, Issue 3, pp 1747-1763
88. Leda L., Korn, D., Ghaderi A., Hairapetian V. Struck, U., and Reimold, W. U. (2014): Lithostratigraphy and carbonate microfacies across the Permian– Triassic boundary near Julfa (NW Iran) and in the Baghuk Mountains (Central Iran). Facies (2014) 60:295–325
87. Kürten, B., Al-Aidaroos, A. M., Struck, U., Khomayis, H. S., Gharbawi, W. Y., Sommer, U. (2014) Influence of environmental gradients on C and N stable isotope ratios in coral reef biota of the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. Journal of Sea Research. 85, 379-394 .
86. Berry, K. L. E., Seemann, J.,Dellwig, O., Struck, U., Wild, C., Leinfelder, R. R. (2013) Sources and spatial distribution of heavy metals in sclearctinian coral tissues and sediments from the Bocas del Toro Archipelago, Panama. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185: 9089–9099 .
85. Hauss H., Franz J. M.S., Hansen T., Struck U., Sommer U. (2013) Relative inputs of upwelled and atmospheric nitrogen to the eastern tropical North Atlantic food web: Spatial distribution of 15N in mesozooplankton and relation to dissolved nutrient dynamics. Deep-Sea Research I 75 (2013) 135–145.
84. Kraus, S. H., Brandner, R., Heubeck, C., Kozur, H. W., Struck, U. and Korte, C. (2013) Carbon isotope signatures of latest Permian marine successions of the Southern Alps suggest a continental runoff pulse enriched in land plant material. Fossil Record, 16(1): 97-109.
83. Cremonese L., Shields-Zhou G., Struck U., Ling H.-F., Och L., Chen X., and Li D. (2013) Marine biogeochemical cycling during the early Cambrian constrained by a nitrogen and organic carbon isotope study of the Xiaotan section, South China. Precambrian Research 225: 148-165
82. Leinfelder R. R., Seemann, J., Heiss, G. A. and Struck, U. (2012). Could ‘Ecosystem Atavisms’ Help Reefs to Adapt to the Anthropocene? Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012 2B Coral reefs: is the past the key to the future? 5pp.
81. Kürten, B., • Frutos I., Struck, U., Painting, S. J., Polunin, N. V. C. and Middelburg, J. J. (2013). Trophodynamics and functional feeding groups of North Sea fauna: a combined stable isotope and fatty acid approach. – Biogeochemistry, 113(1-3). 189-212.
80. Lösch, S, Bunzel, M., Lehn, C., Struck, U., Peschel, O. and Graw, M. (2011) Die Wolfenstein Mumien (16.-18. Jahrhundert). Untersuchungenan mumifizierten Körpern einer Gruft in Süddeutschland. Kasseler Studien zur Sepukralkultur, 18, 111-120.
79. Altenbach, A. V., Leiter, C., Mayr, C., Struck, U.and Hiss, M. (2012) Carbon and nitrogen isotopic fractionation in foraminifera: possible signatures from anoxia. In: Altenbach, A. V., Bernard, J. M. and Seckbach, J. (eds.) Anoxia, Evidence for eukaryote survival and and paleontological strategies. Book series: Cellular origin, life in extreme habitats and astrobiology, 21, 515-535, Springer, Berlin.
78. Fritz, G., Pfannkuchen, M., Struck, U., Hengherr, S., Strohmeier, S. and Brümmer, F. (2012) Characterizing an anoxic habitat: sulfur bacteria in ameromictic Alpine lake. In: Altenbach, A. V., Bernard, J. M. and Seckbach, J. (eds.) Anoxia, Evidence for eukaryote survival and and paleontological strategies. Book series: Cellular origin, life in extreme habitats and astrobiology, 21, 449-461, Springer, Berlin.
77. Struck, U. (2012) On the use of stable nitrogen isotopes in present an past anoxic environments. In: Altenbach, A. V., Bernard, J. M. and Seckbach, J. (eds.) Anoxia, Evidence for eukaryote survival and and paleontological strategies. Book series: Cellular origin, life in extreme habitats and astrobiology, 21, 497-513, Springer, Berlin.
76. Sokiranski, R., Pirsig, W., Richter, H. P., Lösch, S., Struck, U. and Nerlich, A. G. (2011) Unique paleopathology in a pre-Columbian mummy remanant from southern Peru – severe cervical rotation trauma with subluxation of the axis as cause of death. Acta Neurochirurgica, 153, 609-616.
75. Kuerten, B., Painting, S. J., Struck, U., Polunin, V. C., and Middelburg, J. J. (2013). Tracking seasonal changes in North Sea zooplankton trophic dynamics using stable isotopes. Biogeochemistry, 113(1-3), 167-187.
74. Rakotondranary, S., Struck, U., Knoblauch, C. and Ganzhorn, J. U. (2011). Regional, seasonal and interspecific variation in 15N and 13C in sympatric mouse lemurs . Naturwissenschaften, DOI 10.1007/s00114-011-0840-x.
73. Siegert, S., Kraus, S. H., Mette, W. Struck, U. and Korte, C. (2011) Organic carbon isotope values from the Late Permian Seis/Siusi succession (Dolomites, Italy): Implications for palaeoenvironmental changes. Fossil Record, 14(2), 206-217.
72. Meisel, S., Emeis, K.-C., Struck U. and Kristen, I. (2011). Nutrient regime and upwelling in the northern Benguela since the middle Holocene in a global context – a multi proxy approach. Fossil Record, 14(2), 171-194.
71. Meisel, S., Struck U. and Emeis, K.-C. (2011) Nutrient dynamics and oceanographic features in the central Namibian upwelling region as reflected in 15N-signals of suspended matter and surface sediments. Fossil Record, 14(2), 153-170.
70. Meisel, S. and Struck U. (2011) The potential distortion of sedimentary 15N and Corg/N ratios by NH4 and the effects of pre-analysis sample treatment. Fossil Record, 14(2), 141-152.
69. Emeis Kay Christian, Paraskevi Mara, Tim Schlarbaum, Juergen Moebius, Kirstin Dähnke, Ulrich Struck, Nikolaos Mihalopoulos, and Michael Krom (2010) External N inputs and internal N cycling traced by isotope ratios of nitrate, dissolved reduced nitrogen, and particulate nitrogen in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 115, G04041, doi:10.1029/2009JG001214, 2010
68. Deek A., Emeis K.-C., and U. Struck (2010) Seasonal variations in nitrate isotope composition of three rivers draining into the North Sea. Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 6051–6088.
67. Haas A. F., Naumann M. S., Struck, U., Mayr C., el-Zibdah M. and Wild C. (2010) Organic matter release by coral reef associated benthic algae in the Northern Red Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 389, 53-60.
66. Naumann M. S., Haas A., Struck U., Mayr C., el-Zibdah M, Wild C. (2010) Organic matter release by dominant hermatypic corals of the Northern Red Sea Coral Reefs Coral Reefs 29: 649- 659
65. Niggl. W., Naumann, M. S., Struck, U., Manasrah, R., Wild, C. (2010) Organic matter release by the benthic upside-down jelly Cassiopea sp. fuels pelagic food webs in coral reefs. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 384, 99-106.
64. Kürten, B., Painting, S. J., Struck, U. (2010) Terrestrial run-off and hydrographic influences on trophic relationships and pelagic food web structures in the central and southern North Sea. ICES Cooperative Research Report, v 300, 40-45.
63. Bahlmann E, Bernasconi S M , Bouillon S, Houtekamer M, Korntheuer M, Langenberg F, Mayr C, Metzke M, Middelburg J, Nagel B, Struck U, Voß M, Emeis K-C (2010). Performance evaluation of nitrogen isotope ratio determination in marine and lacustrine sediments: An inter-laboratory comparison. Organic Geochemistry, 41, 3-12.
62. Finney B. P., Alheit, J., Emeis K.-C., Field, D. B., Gutiérrez D., Struck, U. (2010) Paleoecological studies on variability in marine fish populations: A long-term perspective on the impacts of climatic change on marine ecosystems. Jounal of Marine Systems, 79, 316-326.
61. Kiessling W., Ewa Roniewicz, Loïc Villier, Philippe Léonide, and Ulrich Struck (2009)
An Early Hettangian Coral Reef in Southern France: Implications for the End-Triassic Reef Crisis. PALAIOS, 24: 657-671.
60. Wild, C., Naumann M. S., Haas, A., Struck, U., Mayer, F. W., Rasheed, M. Y., Huettel, M. (2009) Coral sand O2 uptake and pelagic–benthic coupling in a subtropical fringing reef, Aqaba, Red Sea. Aquatic Biology, Vol. 6: 133–142.
59. Schulz, H.-M., van Berk, W., Bechtel, A., Struck, U. and E. Faber (2009) Bacterial methane in the Atzbach-Schwanenstadt gas field (Upper Austrian Molasse Basin), Part I: Geology . Marine and Petroleum Geology, 26, 1163-1179.
58. Kraus, S. H., Siegert, S., Mette, W., Struck, U. and C. Korte (2009) Stratigraphic significance of carbon isotope variations in the shallow-marine Seis/Siusi Permian – Triassic boundary section (Southern Alps, Italy), Fossil Record, 12(2), 197-205.
57. Horn, P., Hölzl, S, Rummel. S., Aberg, G., Schiegl, S., Biermann, D., Struck, U., and A. Rossmann (2009). Chapter 11: Humans and Camelids in River Oases of the Ica–Palpa–Nazca Region in Pre-Hispanic Times – Insights from H-C-N-O-S-Sr Isotope Signatures.- in: Markus Reindel l Günther A. Wagner (Eds.): New Technologies for Archaeology Multidisciplinary Investigations in Palpa and Nasca, Peru, Springer, Berlin, pp 173-192.
56. Mintenbeck, K., Brey, T., Jacob, U., Knust, R., and Struck, U., (2008), Sample treatment related bias in stable isotope (13C, 15N) measurements: Journal of Fish Biology, 72, 815–830.
55. Gilg, H. Albert, Maria Boni, Rupert Hochleitner, Ulrich Struck (2008): Stable isotope geochemistry of carbonate minerals in supergene oxidation zones of Zn-Pb deposits, Ore Geology Reviews, 33, 117–133.
54. Kirci-Elmas, Elmas, Algan, Oya1, Özkar-Öngen, Izver, Struck, Ulrich, Altenbach, Alexander V., Sagular, Enis K, & Nazik, Atike (2008), Palaeoenvironmental investigation of sapropelic sediments from the Marmara Sea: a biostratigraphic approach to the palaeoceanographic history during the Last Glacial - Holocene – Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences. 17: 129-168. .
53. Aspetsberger, F., Zabel, M, Ferdelmann, T., Struck, U., Mackensen, A., Ahke, A., & Witte, U. (2007) Instantaneous benthic response to different organic matter quality: In situ experiments in the Benguela Upwelling System. Marine Biology Research, 3: 342-356.
52. Gilg, H. A., Taubald H & U. Struck (2007) Phosphoric acid fractionation factors for aragonite between 25 and 72°C with implications on aragonite-calcite oxygen isotope fractionation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, V71(15), Suppl A323.
51. Wild, C., C. Jantzen, U. Struck, O. Hoegh-Guldberg and M. Huettel (2008): Biogeochemical responses on coral mass spawning at the Great Barrier Reef: Pelagic-benthic coupling. Coral Reefs, 27:123–132
50. Gaulke, M., Altenbach, A. V., Demegillo, A., and Struck, U (2007): On the diet of Varanus mabitang: Mertensiella, v. 16: 228-239.
49. Dannheim, J., Struck, U. and T. Brey (2007): Does sample bulk freezing affect stable isotope ratios of infaunal macrozoobenthos? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 35: 37-41.
48. Coney, Louise, Wolf U Reimold, P J Hancox, Dieter Mader, Christian Koeberl, Iain McDonald, Ulrich Struck, Vivi Vajda, Sandra L. Kamof (2007): Geochemical and Mineralogical Investigation of the Permian-Triassic Boundary in the Continental Realm of the Southern Karoo Basin, South Africa. Paleoworld, 16: 67-104.
47. Emeis, K.-C., Struck, U., Leipe, T. and Ferdelmann, T. G. (2009) Variability in upwelling intensity and nutrient regime in the coastal upwelling system offshore Namibia: results from sediment archives. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 89:309-326.
46. Cornils A, Schnack-Schiel SB, Böer M, Graeve M, Struck U, Al-Najjar T, Richter C (2007) Feeding of Clausocalanids (Calanoida, Copepoda) on natural occurring particles in the northern Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea). Marine Biology, 151:1261–1274. .
45. Hägele, D., Leinfelder, R.R., Grau, J., Burmeister, E.G. and Struck, U., 2006. Oncoids from the river Alz (Bavaria, southern Germany): Tiny self-supporting ecosystems in a phosphorus limited environment. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 237: 378-395.
44. Struck, U. and Altenbach, A.V., 2006. Palaeoclimatological investigations in upwelling sediments off Namibia. In: H. Leser (Editor), The Changing Culture and Nature of Namibia: Case Studies. The Sixth Namibia Workshop Basel 2005; In Honour of Dr. h.c. Carl Schlettwein (1925 - 2005). Publishing House Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Basel - Windhoek, pp. 165-169.
43. Altenbach, A.V. and Struck, U., 2006. Some remarks on Namibia’s shelf environments, and a possible teleconnection to the hinterland. In: H. Leser (Editor), The Changing Culture and Nature of Namibia: Case Studies. The Sixth Namibia Workshop Basel 2005. In Honour of Dr. h.c. Carl Schlettwein (1925 - 2005). Publishing House Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Basel - Windhoek, pp. 109-124.
42. Jacob, U., Brey, T., Fetzer, L., Kachler, S., Mintenbeck, K., Dunton, K., Beyer, K., Struck, U., Pakhomov, E. A., and Arntz, W. E., 2006, Towards the trophic structure of the Bouvet Island marine ecosystem: Polar Biology, v. 29, p. 109-116.
41. Wild, C., Jantzen, C., Rasheed, M., Cook, P., Struck, U., and Boetius, A., 2005, Benthic metabolism and degradation of natural partuculate organic matter in carbonate and silicate reef sand of the Northern Red Sea: Marine Ecology Progress Series, v. 298, p. 69-78.
40. Struck, U., and Pollehne, F., 2005, Stickstoffisotope in See- und Küstensedimenten als Indikatoren für den Einfluss der Eutrophierung, Rundgespräche der Kommission für Ökologie, "Auf Spurensuche in der Natur": München, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, p. 45-53.
39. Miltner, A., Emeis, K.-C., Struck, U., Leipe, T., and Voss, M., 2005, Terrigenous organic matter in Holocene sediments from the central Baltic Sea, NW Europe: Chemical Geology, v. 216, p. 313-328.
38. Mayr, C. C., Fey, M., Haberzettl, T., Janssen, S., Lücke, N., Maidana, n. I., Ohlendorf, C., Schäbitz, F., Schleser, G. H., Struck, U., Wille, M., and Zolitschka, B., 2005, Palaeoenvironmental changes in southern Patagonia during the last millennium recorded in lake sediments from Laguna Azul (Argentina): Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v. 228, no. 3-4, p. 203-227.
37. Gaulke, M., Altenbach, A. V., Demegillo, A., and Struck, U., 2005, On the distribution and biology of Varanus mabitang: Silliman Journal, v. 46(2), no. 2, p. 89-117.
36. Struck, U., Altenbach, A. V., Alheit, J., Heyn, T., and Emeis, K.-C., 2004b, Distribution and nitrogen isotope ratios of fish scales in surface sediments from the upwelling area off Namibia: Zittelliana, v. 44, no. A, p. 125-132.
35. Struck, U., Pollehne, F., Bauerfeind, E., and v. Bodungen, B., 2004a, Sources of nitrogen for the vertical particle flux in the Gotland Sea (Baltic Proper) - results from sediment trap studies: Journal of Marine Systems, v. 45, p. 91-101.
34. Schulz, H. M., Bechtel, A., Rainer, T., Sachsenhofer, R. F., and Struck, U., 2004, Paleoceanography of the Western Central Paratethys during Early Oligocene Nannoplankton Zone NP23 in the Austrian Molasse Basin: Geologica Carpathica, v. 55, no. 4, p. 311-323.
33. Emeis, K.-C., Brüchert, V., Currie, B., Endler, R., Ferdelmann, T., Kiessling, A., Leipe, T., Noli-Peard, K., Struck, U., and Vogt, T., 2004, Shallow gas in shelf sediments of the Namibian coastal upwelling ecosystem: Continental Shelf Research, v. 24, p. 627-642
32. Baumgartner, T., Struck, U., and Alheit, J., 2004, Interdecadal to multi-centennial variability in marine fish populations: Pages Newsletter, v. 12, no. 1, p. 19-23.
31. Gilg, H. A., Struck, U., Vennemann, T., and Boni, M., 2003b, Phosphoric acid fractionation factors for smithsonite and cerussite between 25 and 72°C: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 67, no. 21, p. 4049-4055.
30. Emeis, K.-C., Schulz, H., Struck, U., Rossignol-Strick, M., Erlenkeuser, H., Howell, M. W., Kroon, D., Mackensen, A., Ishizuka, S., Oba, T., Sakamoto, T., and Koizumi, I., 2003, Eastern Mediterranean surface water temperatures and 18O composition during the deposition of sapropels in the late Quaternary: Paleoceanography, v. 18, no. 1, p. art. no. 1005.
29. Emeis, K.-C., Struck, U., Blanz, T., Kohly, A., and Voss, M., 2003, Salinity changes in the central Baltic Sea (NW Europe) over the last 10 000 years: The Holocene, v. 13, no. 3, p. 413-423.
28. Christiansen, C., Kunzendorf, H., Emeis, K.-C., Endler, R., Struck, U., Benesch, D., Neumann, T., and Sivkov, V., 2003, Sedimentation rate variabilities in the eastern Gotland Basin: Ices Cooperative Research Report, v. 257, p. 126-133.
27. Struck, U., Emeis, K.-C., Alheit, J., Schneider, R., Eichner, C., and Altenbach, A.-V., 2002, Changes of the upwelling rate of nitrate preserved in the 15N-signature of sediments and fish scales from the diatomaceous mud belt off Namibia: GeoBios, v. 35, no. EPA-special issue, p. 3-11.
26. Struck, U., Altenbach, A.-V., Gaulke, M., and Glaw, F., 2002, Trophic segragation of some Varanids (Reptilia: Varanidae) assessed by stable isotopes (15N, 13C): Naturwissenschaften, v. 89, no. 10, p. 470-473.
25. Emeis, K.-C., Endler, R., Struck, U., and Kohly, A., 2002, The post-glacial evolution of the Baltic Sea, in Wefer, G., Berger, W. H., Behre, K.-E., and Jansen, E., eds., Climate development and history of the North Atlantic realm: Berlin, Springer, p. 205-221.
24. Christiansen, C., Kunzendorf, H., Emeis, K.-C., Endler, R., Struck, U., Neumann, T., and Sivkov, V., 2002, Temporal and spatial sedimentation rate variabilities in the eastern Gotland Basin, the Baltic Sea.: Boreas, v. 31, no. 1, p. 65-74.
23. Weinelt, M., Kuhnt, W., Sarnthein, M., Altenbach, A. V., Costello, O., Erlenkeuser, H., Pflaumann, U., Simstich, J., Struck, U., Thies, A., Trauth, M., and Vogelsang, E., 2001, Paleoceanographic proxies in the Northern North Atlantic, in Schaefer, P., Ritzrau, W., Schlueter, M., and Thiede, J., eds., The Northern North Atlantic: A changing environment.: Berlin, Springer, p. 319-352.
22. Struck, U., Emeis, K.-C., Voss, M., Krom, M. D., and Rau, G. H., 2001, Biological productivity during sapropel S5 formation in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: Evidence from stable isotopes of nitrogen and carbon: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 65, no. 19, p. 3241-3258.
21. Bauch, H. A., Struck, U. and Thiede, J., 2001, Planktic and benthic foraminifera as indicators of Past Ocean Changes in Surface and Deep Waters of the Nordic Seas. in Schaefer, P., Ritzrau, W., Schlueter, M., and Thiede, J., eds., The Northern North Atlantic: A changing environment.: Berlin, Springer, p. 411-422.
20. Bauch, H. A., Erlenkeuser, H., Spielhagen, R. F., Struck, U., Matthiessen, J., Thiede, J., and Heinemeier, J., 2001, A multiproxy reconstruction of the evolution of deep and surface waters in the subarctic Nordic seas over the last 30,000 yr: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 20, p. 659-678.
19. Altenbach, A. V., and Struck, U., 2001, On the coherence of organic carbon flux and benthic foraminiferal biomass: Journal of Foraminiferal Research, v. 31, no. 2, p. 79-85.
18. Struck, U., Emeis, K. C., Voss, M., Christiansen, C. C., and Kunzendorf, H., 2000, Records of southern and central Baltic Sea eutrophication in 13C and 15N of sedimentary organic matter: Marine Geology, v. 164, no. 3-4, p. 157-171.
17. Schneider, B., Nagel, K., and Struck, U., 2000, Carbon fluxes across the halocline in the eastern Gotland Sea: J. Mar. Systems, v. 25, no. 3-4, p. 261-268.
16. Emeis, K.-C., Struck, U., Schulz, H.-M., Rosenberg, R., Bernasconi, S., Erlenkeuser, H., Sakamoto, T., and Martinez-Ruis, F., 2000, Temperature and Salinity of Mediterranean Sea Surface Waters over the last 16,000 years: Constraints to the physical environment of S1 sapropel formation based on stable oxygen isotopes and alkenone unsaturation ratios: Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, v. 158, p. 259-280.
15. Emeis, K.-C., Struck, U., Leipe, T., Pollehne, F., Kunzendorf, H., and Christiansen, C., 2000a, Changes in the burial rates and C:N:P ratios in Baltic Sea sediments over the last 150 years. - Relevance to P regeneration rates and phosphorus cycle: Marine Geology, v. 167, no. 1-2, p. 43-59.
14. Bauch, H. A., Erlenkeuser, H., Helmke, J. P., and Struck, U., 2000, A paleoclimatic evaluation of marine oxygen isotope stage 11 in the high-northern Atlantic (Nordic Seas): Global and Planetary Change, v. 24, p. 27-39.
13. Kowalczyk, K., Witkowsky, A., and Struck, U., 1999, Environmental changes in the Gotland Deep during the Late Glacial and Holocene as inferred from siliceous microfossils (mainly diatoms).: Quaternary Studies in Poland, v. special issue, no. 1999, p. 135-145.
12. Nees, S. and Struck, U., 1999, Benthic foraminiferal response to major paleoceanographic changes: a view of the deep-sea restaurant menu, in Abrantes, F., and Mix, A., eds., Proceedings of the VI International Conference on Paleoceanography: Lisbon 1998, Plenum Publishers, p. 195-216.
11. Holmes, B., Eichner, C., Struck, U., and Wefer, G., 1999, Reconstructions of surface ocean nitrate utilization using stable nitrogen isotopes in sinking particles and sediments., in Fischer, G., and Wefer, G., eds., Use of Proxies in Paleoceanography: Examples from the South Atlantic: Berlin, Springer, p. 447-468.
10. Emeis, K.-C., Neumann, T., Endler, R., Struck, U., Kunzendorf, H., and Christiansen, C., 1998b, Geochemical records of sediments in the Gotland Basin -products of sediment dynamics in a not-so-stagnant anoxic basin?: Applied Geochemistry, v. 13, p. 349-358.
9. Emeis, K.-C., Schulz, H.-M., Struck, U., Sakamoto, T., Doose, H., Erlenkeuser, H., Howell, M., Kroon, D., and Paterne, M., 1998a, Stable isotope and temperature records of sapropels from ODP Sites 964 and 967: Constraining the physical environment of sapropel formation in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea., in Robertson, A. H. F., Emeis, K.-C., Richter, C., and Camerlenghi, A., eds., Proc. ODP, Sci. Res., 160: College Station, TX, Ocean Drilling Program, p. 309-331.
8. Struck, U., Voss, M., Mumm, N., and v Bodungen, B., 1998, Stable isotopes of nitrogen in fossil cladoceran exoskeletons: Implications for nitrogen sources in the Baltic Sea during the last century: Naturwissenschaften, v. 85, p. 597-603.
7. Voss, M., and Struck, U., 1997, Stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes as indicator of eutrophication of the Oder river (Baltic Sea): Marine Chemistry, v. 59, p. 35-49.
6. Struck, U., 1997, Paleoecology of benthic foraminifera in the Norwegian Greenland Sea during the past 500 ka., in Hass, C., and M., K., eds., Contributions to the Micropaleontology and Paleoceanography of the North Atlantic., Grzybowski Foundation Spec. Publications, p. 51-83.
5. Struck, U., 1995, Stepwise migration of benthic foraminifera into the abyssal northeastern Norwegian Sea.: Marine Micropaleontology, v. 26, p. 207-213.
4. Westerhausen, L., Sarnthein, M., Struck, U., Erlenkeuser, H., and J., P., 1994, pCO2-variations of equatorial surface water over the last 330,000 years., in Zahn et al., eds., Carbon cycling in past oceans, p. 367-382.
3. Nees, S., and Struck, U., 1994, The biostratigraphical and paleoceanographic significande of Siphotexturlaria rolshauseni (Phleger and Parker) in Norwegian-Greenland Sea sediments.: Journal of Foraminiferal Research, v. 24, no. 4, p. 233-240.
2. Struck, U., Sarnthein, M., Westerhausen, L., Barnola, J. M., and Raynaud, D., 1993, Ocean-atmosphere carbon exchange: impact of the "biological pump" in the Atlantic equatorial upwelling belt over the last 330,000 years.: Palaeo. Palaeo. Palaeo., v. 103, p. 41-56.
1. Struck, U., and Nees, S., 1991, Die stratigraphische Verbreitung von Siphotextularia rolshauseni (Phleger and Parker) in Sedimentkernen aus dem Europäischen Nordmeer.: Geologisches Jahrbuch, v. A 128, p. 243-249.
4 . Lexicon entries, reports, etc.
Emeis, K.-C., Berger, J., Endler, R., Leipe, T., Struck, U., and Wien, K., 1999, Sapropels, Alkenones and Stable Isotopes, in Hieke, W., Hemleben, W., Linke, P., and Türkay, M., eds., Mittlemeer 1997/98, Cruise No. 40: Hamburg, Leitstelle Meteor, p. 157-159.
Emeis, K.-C., and Struck, U., 1998, Gotland Basin Experiment (GOBEX): Status Report on Investigations concerning Benthic Processes, Sediment Formation and Accumulation: Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte, v. 34, p. 2-12.
Jähmlich, S., Struck, U., Graf, G., and Springer, B., 1998, Particle quality in thge bottom boundary layer of the Gotland Basin: Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte, v. 34, p. 97-109.
Struck, U., 1992, Zur Paläo-Ökologie benthischer Foraminiferen im Europäischen Nordmeer während der letzten 600,000 Jahre,: Ber. Sonderforschugsbereich 313, Kiel Univ., v. 38, p. 1-129.
Schiebel, R., Struck, U., Grimm, G., Hübner, H., and Themann, S., 2000, Calcareous Plankton and Paleoceanography of the Azores Front-Current System: Meteor Berichte, v. 00, no. 4, p. 104-108.
Struck, U., and Altenbach, A.-V., 2001, "KLINAM" - oder: Wie reagieren Fischbestände auf die klimagesteuerten Produktionsänderungen vor Namibia: Paläontologie aktuell, v. 43, p. 22-23.
Struck, U., and Rehder, W., 1998, Radiographies: Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte, v. 34, p. 35-36.
5. Popular scientific articles, television reports, presentations at public events (Public impact)
Struck, U. and Bartsch, P. (2010) Stabile Isotope überliefern uns vergangenes Leben - Oder: Wovon lebten die Fisch der Vorzeit. In: Damaschun F., Hackethal S., Landsberg H. and Leinfelder R. R. (eds.): Art, Ordnung, Klasse - 200 Jahre Museum für Naturkunde. Basilisken Presse, p 284-287.
Struck, U., 2007, Isotope als Frühwarnsystem. In: Glaubrecht, M., Kinitz, A., und Moldrzyk, U. (Eds.): Als das Leben laufen lernte. Prestel, Berlin, p: 93.
Struck, U., 2007, Isotopes as an early-warning system. In: Glaubrecht, M., Kinitz, A., and Moldrzyk, U. (Eds.), Evolution in Action. Prestel, Berlin, p: 93.
Struck, U. and Falk, M. 2006: Fernsehbeitrag über die erste Forschungsexpedition der FS Maria S Merian. In: „Tomorrow today“; Deutsche Welle TV, April 2006.
Struck, U. 2005: Fernsehbeitrag in „Faszination Wissen“ zum Alatsee. Bayerischer Rundfunk, September 2005.
Struck, U., Altenbach, A. V., Alheit, J., and Emeis, K.-C., 2004, Paläoklimaforschungen im Küstengebiet vor Namibia: Freunde der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Historische Geologie München e. V., v. 32, no. Jahresbericht 2003 und Mitteilungen, p. 42-54.
Struck, U., and Helbig, C., 2004, Filmaufnahmen am Alatsee zu: "Der blutende See", ARTE.
Struck, U., Lösch, S., Ruthensteiner, B., Hägele, D., and Falk, M., 2004, Präsentation des GeoBio-CentersLMU auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand "Bayern Innovativ", in Analytica2004, Munich.
Struck, U., Falk, M., and Thalhammer, S., 2003, Gemeinschaftsstand Bayern Innovativ, Darstellung innovativer Forschung von GeoBio-CenterLMU und CENS, in Biotechnica 2003, Hannover.
Struck, U., Altenbach, A. V., Falk, M., Leiter, C., and Helbig, C., 2004, Das GeoBio-CenterLMU, ein Verbund der bayerischen naturwissenschaftlichen Staatssammlungen und der LMU, in Wissenschaftstage: Leben und Technik, Universität München.
Struck, U., 2002, Stable N-Isotopes as tracer for eutrophication in the Baltic Sea, in Wissenschaftstage, München. -
Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Struck
1982-1988: studies of Geology in Kiel
1989-1992: PhD-studies in micropaleontology, Kiel
2008: Habilitation, Munich University, on Nitrogen Isotopes
Professional career
1992-1993: PostDoc, Kiel
1993-1997: PostDoc: Rostock Warnemünde
1998-1999: PostDoc: Bremen 1999-2000: PostDoc, Tübingen
2000-2006: Head of Isotope Lab. of the Bavarian State Collection of Palaeontology since
2006:Head of Isotope Lab. of Museum of Natural History in Berlin
30.04.2008: Habilitation at Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich
2008-2017: Lecturer ("Privatdozent") at the Faculty of Geosciences of the "Freie Universität", Berlin
Since 2017: Associate Professor of Isotope Palaeontology at "Freie Universität", Berlin.
- Head of stable isotope facilities at the Museum für Naturkunde
Research interests
- Research in the field of the use of stable isotopes in ecology and paleo-environments mainly in aquatic ecosystems
Research projects
- Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER) participant in German Imber-project "GENESIS", funded by BMBF.
Publications (Selection)
Struck, U., Pollehne, F., Bauerfeind, E., and v. Bodungen, B., 2004a, Sources of nitrogen for the vertical particle flux in the Gotland Sea (Baltic Proper) - results from sediment trap studies: Journal of Marine Systems, v. 45, p. 91-101
Struck, U., Altenbach, A.-V., Gaulke, M., and Glaw, F., 2002, Trophic segragation of some Varanids (Reptilia: Varanidae) assessed by stable isotopes (15N, 13C): Naturwissenschaften, v. 89, no. 10, p. 470-473.Struck, U., Emeis, K.-C., Voss, M., Krom, M. D., and Rau, G. H., 2001, Biological productivity during sapropel S5 formation in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: Evidence from stable isotopes of nitrogen and carbon: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 65, no. 19, p. 3241-3258.
Struck, U., Emeis, K. C., Voss, M., Christiansen, C. C., and Kunzendorf, H., 2000, Records of southern and central Baltic Sea eutrophication in 13C and 15N of sedimentary organic matter: Marine Geology, v. 164, no. 3-4, p. 157-171.