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Dominik Eulberg: Biodiversity Show

Dominik Eulberg
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Does the robin or the blackbird chirp more virtuously? Is our creative work connected to the bioluminescence of fireflies? Can you turn the lotus effect of nasturtium into a track? What do you think it sounds like when the collective intelligence of ants plays on a Moog?

DJ, ecologist and guest scientist Dominik Eulberg invites you to an excursion into another world so that we can better understand ours. Sharpened with all senses, he enters scientific terrain in an incomparably entertaining way. "Microorgasms everywhere" is a multimedia, interdisciplinary biodiversity show. Bio... what? Yes, exactly, this is about impressive moments and overlooked natural phenomena right on our doorstep that are as impressive and inspiring as nature itself: incredibly complex, inexhaustibly creative and harrowingly beautiful.

The Biodiversity Show will take place in the museum's Dinosaur Hall.

Event information

  • Friday, 12.05.2023, Beginning: 20:00 h, Entrance: 19:00 h
  • Event in German
  • Tickets and further information can be found here.