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Game of Life

Charles Darwin spielt zwischen Dinosaurierskeletten Brettspiele
Fully booked!

In recent years, numerous board games have appeared that take up the theme of evolution and Darwin's travels. A fantastic opportunity to exchange ideas not only about the course of life, but also about the principle of chance and what else we can learn from such trends.

Note: The event photo was generated by artificial intelligence.

How do the games depict the theme? What do we know when we play? What do games tell us about the societies they come from? How well can knowledge about biodiversity, evolution or extinction events be developed through games?

Hand in hand, biologists and historians let us look behind the scenes. Together we will playfully immerse ourselves in the fascinating world of board games about Charles Darwin. Experience an evening full of knowledge, fun and interactive games. Secure your place now!

Event information

  • Admission is free.
  • The event will be held in German.
  • Registration is requested at:

The project is part of the Netzwerk Naturwissen, an initiative of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and its partners from Berlin and Brandenburg, and in cooperation with the project Boardgame Historian.