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Research Cluster: NaturBerlin


Record, understand and positively shape change and its consequences in Berlin and beyond – management of biodiversity in large cities

The research cluster NaturBerlin develops products that document and analyze changes in biodiversity in urban and peri-urban areas and forecast their effects. We ask ourselves how biodiversity is changing, how we can achieve more biodiversity and what are the social and economic consequences of biodiversity change?

Biodiversity change is multi-faceted and we follow its different dimensions along the Essential Biodiversity Variables. We are interested in change in all biodiversity dimensions, from genetic diversity to changes in ecosystem functions and associated services.

Using Berlin as an example, the collection of Berlin objects at the Museum für Naturkunde, and in close collaboration with citizens and the broad Berlin biodiversity community, we develop and analyze time series documenting biodiversity change. Various taxa groups, methods as well as techniques of data extraction and database development are used for this purpose.

We will develop products such as new time series, a multidimensional Living Berlin Index, Key Biodiversity areas, and a Berlin Red List Index. In addition, we will help to better connect the Berlin biodiversity community with other national and international actors in the field of urban biodiversity and to become capable of acting together. Through intensive exchange with the Berlin administration and various other actors, we hope to improve the career opportunities of young NaturBerlin actors. Our long-term goal is to establish, together with other Berlin institutes, an Urban Biodiversity Competence Center, which will focus on biodiversity change, related services and products.

Learn more about the other research clusters at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.