The organisation berufundfamilie gGmbH has awarded the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin the audit berufundfamilie® certificate, as it did many times before.
A family-conscious and life-phase oriented orientation of the research museum is part of the strategy and firmly anchored in the structures and procedures. Management responsibility, communication and information at and between all levels of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin will remain essential components of its activities in the coming years. The aim is to create a cooperative and communicative management culture based on teamwork, appreciation and feedback. The objectives of equal opportunities policy continue to be closely linked to the guiding principle of family friendliness.
The Museum für Naturkunde became a Member of the Leibniz Association in 2009. The Leibniz Association is very committed to harmonising work and family life. About half of all Leibniz institutions have introduced various initiatives to promote a better work-life balance for both men and women. Several Leibniz institutions were already awarded the Total E-Quality-Prädikat or received the basic certificate „audit berufundfamilie®“ for their family-friendliness.