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PD Dr. Frieder Mayer

PD Dr. Frieder Mayer
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    PD Dr. Frieder Mayer

    • Nagy, M., G. Heckel, C.C. Voigt and F. Mayer 2007: Female-biased dispersal and patrilocal kin groups in a mammal with resource-defence polygyny. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences 274: 3019-3025.
    • Gottsberger, B. and F. Mayer 2007: Behavioural sterility of hybrid males in acoustically communicating grasshoppers. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 193: 703-714.
    • Mayer, F. and A. Brunner 2007: Non-neutral evolution of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II gene DRB1 in the sac-winged bat Saccopteryx bilineata. Heredity 99: 257-264.
    • Knörnschild, M., O. von Helversen and F. Mayer 2007: Twin siblings sound alike – isolation call variation in the Noctule bat, Nyctalus noctula. Animal Behaviour 74: 1055-1063.
    • Dolch, D., N. Batsaikhan, K. Thiele, F. Burger, I. Scheffler, A. Kiefer, F. Mayer, R. Samjaa, A. Stubbe, M. Stubbe, L. Krall and D. Steinhauser 2007: Contributions to the Chiroptera of Mongolia with first evidences on species communities and ecological niches. Erforschung biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolischen Volksrepublik (Schriftenreihe der Martin-Luther Universität Halle) 10: 407-458.
    • Mayer, F., C. Dietz and A. Kiefer 2007: Molecular species identification boots bat diversity. Frontiers in Zoology 4: 4.
    • Ustinova, J. and F. Mayer 2006: Alternative starts of transcription, several paralogues and almost fixed interspecific differences of fruitless in a hemimetabolous insect. Journal of Molecular Evolution 63: 788-800.
    • Behr, O., O. von Helversen, G. Heckel, M. Nagy, C.C. Voigt and F. Mayer 2006: Territorial songs indicate male quality in the sack-winged bat Saccopteryx bilineata (Chiroptera, Emballonuridae). Behavioral Ecology 17: 810-817.
    • Ustinova, J., R. Achmann, S. Cremer and F. Mayer 2006: Huge genome, long repeats: Microsatellite loci in the acridid grasshopper Chorthippus biguttulus. Journal of Molecular Evolution: 62: 158-167.
    • Mayer, F. and G. Kerth 2005: Evolution of a dinucleotide microsatellite in the mitochondrial genome of Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii). Journal of Molecular Evolution 61: 408-416.
    • Dietz, C., I. Schunger, Ö. Kesapli-Didrickson, A. Karatas and F. Mayer 2005: Pipistrellus pygmaeus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Anatolia. Zoology in the Middle East 34: 5-10.
    • Voigt, C.C., G. Heckel and F. Mayer 2004: Sexual selection favours small and symmetric males in the polygynous greater sac-winged bat Saccopteryx bilineata (Emballonuridae, Chiroptera). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 57: 457-464.
    • Kerth, G., F. Mayer and E. Petit 2002: Extreme sex-biased dispersal in the communally breeding, non-migratory Bechstein’s bat (Myotis bechsteinii). Molecular Ecology 11: 1491-1498.
    • Kiefer, A., F. Mayer, J. Kosuch, O. von Helversen and M. Veith 2002: Conflicting molecular phylogenies of European long-eared bats (Plecotus) can be explained by cryptic diversity. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 25: 557-566.
    • Mayer, F., E. Petit and O. von Helversen 2002: Genetische Strukturierung von Populationen des Abendseglers (Nyctalus noctula) in Europa. In: Ökologie, Wanderungen und Genetik von Fledermäusen in Wäldern - Untersuchungen als Grundlage für den Fledermausschutz (Bearb. A. Meschede, K.-G. Heller and P. Boye) Schriftenreihe für Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz 71:267-278.
    • Mayer, F. and O. von Helversen 2001: Cryptic diversity in European bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences 268: 1825-1832.
    • Ruedi, M. and F. Mayer 2001: Molecular systematics of bats of the genus Myotis (Vespertilionidae) suggests deterministic ecomorphological convergences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 21: 436-448.
    • Mayer, F. and O. von Helversen 2001: Sympatric distribution of two cryptic bat species across Europe. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 74: 365-374.
    • von Helversen, O., K.-G. Heller, F. Mayer, A. Nemeth, M. Volleth and P. Gombkötö 2001: Cryptic mammalian species: a new species of Whiskered Bat (Myotis alcathoe n. sp.) in Europe. Naturwissenschaften: 88:217-223.
    • Petit, E. and F. Mayer 2000: A population genetic analysis of migration: the case of the noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula). Molecular Ecology 9: 683-690.
    • Mayer, F., C. Schlötterer and D. Tautz 2000: Polymorphic microsatellite loci in vespertilionid bats isolated from the noctule bat Nyctalus noctula. Molecular Ecology 9: 2208-2212.
    • Kerth, G., F. Mayer and B. König 2000: Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) reveals that female Bechstein's bats live in closed societies. Molecular Ecology 9: 683-690.
    • Heckel, G., R. Achmann and F. Mayer 2000: Highly polymorphic microsatellite markers for paternity analysis in the White-lined Bat (Saccopteryx bilineata). Molecular Ecology 9: 242-244.
    • von Helversen O., F. Mayer and D. Kock 2000: Comments on the proposed designation of single neotypes for Vespertilio pipistrellus Schreber, 1774 (Mammalia, Chiroptera) and for Vespertilio pygmaeus Leach, 1825. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 57: 113-115.
    • Heckel, G., C.C. Voigt, F. Mayer and O.v. Helversen 1999: Extra-harem paternity in the white-lined bat Saccopteryx bilineata (Emballonuridae). Behaviour 136: 1173-1185.
    • Petit, E., L. Excoffier and F. Mayer 1999: No evidence of bottleneck in post-glacial recolonization of Europe by the noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula). Evolution 53(4): 1247-1258.
    • Petit, E. and F. Mayer 1999: Male dispersal in the noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula): where are the limits? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences 266: 1717-1722.
    • Kössl, M., F. Mayer, G. Frank, M. Faulstich and I.J. Russell 1999: Evolutionary adaptations of cochlear function in Jamaican mormoopid bats. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 185: 217-228.
    • Wilkinson, G.S., F. Mayer, G. Kerth and B. Petri 1997: Evolution of repeated sequence arrays in the D-loop region of bat mtDNA. Genetics 148: 1035-1048.
    • Mayer, F. and H. Geiger 1996: Fledermäuse in der Landschaftsplanung - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Schriftenreihe für Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz 46: 25-34.
    • Mayer, F. 1995: Genetic population structure of the noctule bat Nyctalus noctula: a molecular approach and first results. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London 67: 387-396.
    • Mayer, F. 1988: Beobachtungen zur Brutnachbarschaft von Lachmöwe (Larus ridibundus) und Brandseeschwalbe (Sterna sandvicensis) auf der Insel Scharhörn. Seevögel 9 (2): 28-31.
    • Mayer, F. 1983: Mischbrut der Trauerbachstelze (Motacilla alba yarrellii) mit der Weißen Bachstelze (Motacilla alba alba) auf Neuwerk. Seevögel 4 (3): 45-46.
    • Lemke, W. and F. Mayer 1983: Neuwerk 1981 und 1982, Brutvogel- und Beobachtungsbericht. Hamburger Avifaunistische Beiträge 19: 83-94.
    • Mayer, F. 1984: Scharhörn 1983. Seevögel 5 (2): 25-35.
  • Lebenslauf

    PD Dr. Frieder Mayer

    • 1984–1991 Studies in biology and chemistry at the Universities of Hamburg, Maryland (U.S.A.) and Erlangen-Nürnberg
    • 1997 Graduation Dr. rer nat. by the University Erlangen-Nürnberg
    • 1997–2003 PostDoc at the Department of Zoology of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg
    • 2003 Venia legendi in Zoology
    • 2003–2007 Oberassistent at the Department of Zoology of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg
    • Since November 2007 curator of the mammal collection at the Museum für Naturkunde – Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science
  • Aufgabengebiete

    • Kustos der Säugetiersammlung
    • Stellvertretender Leiter des Forschungsbereiches Evolution und Geoprozesse
    • Forschungsschwerpunkte: Evolutionäre Ökologie, Verhaltensökologie, und Populationsgenetik



    The general objective of my research is a better understanding of evolutionary mechanisms that lead to the differentiation of populations and eventually to speciation. I am particularly interested in selective forces affecting dispersal and in mechanisms that restrict gene flow among populations.

    My empirical studies involve bats and grasshoppers especially in Palaearctic and Neotropic regions and combine different methodological approaches including behavioural, ecological, morphological and genetic techniques.


    • DFG-Research Unit BATS (FOR 1508): Dynamically adaptive applications for bat localization using embedded communicating sensor systems
    • BMBF funded Research Network Sus100: Das Hausschwein: Gerichtete Selektion und Zeitgeschmack - Morphologie und Genetik über 100 Generationen
    • Network GENART – Funktionelle GENomik biologischer ARTbildung (Project leader and coordinator)
    • Cryptic species diversity and phylogenetic relationships in selected groups of bats
    • Behavioural ecology of bats
    • Speciation and sexual selection in acoustically communicating grasshoppers

    Publikationen (Auswahl)

    Günther, L., M.D. Lopez, M. Knörnschild, K. Reid, M. Nagy, F. Mayer 2016: From resource to female defence: the impact of roosting ecology on a bat´s mating strategy. Royal Society Open Science 3: 160503. doi: 10.1098/rsos.160503

    Ripperger, S., D. Josic, M. Hierold, A. Kölpin, R. Weigel, M. Hartmann, R. Page & F. Mayer 2016: Automated proximity sensing in small vertebrates: desing of miniaturized sensor nodes and first field tests in bats. Ecology and Evolution: 6(7): 2179-2189. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2040 

    Berdan, E.L., C.J. Mazzoni, I. Waurick, J.T. Roehr & F. Mayer 2015: A population genomic scan in Chorthippus grasshoppers unveils previously unknown phenotypic divergence. Molecular Ecology 24: 3918-3930. doi: 10.1111/mec.13276

    Mayer, F., D. Berger, B. Gottberger & W. Schulze 2010: Non-ecological radiations in acoustically communicating grasshoppers? In: Evolution in Action - Case Studies in Adaptive Radiation, Speciation and the Origins of Biodiversity (Glaubrecht, M. Hrsg.). Springer, Berlin Heidelberg. 451-464. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-12425-9_21

    Mayer, F., C. Dietz & A. Kiefer 2007: Molecular species identification boots bat diversity. Frontiers in Zoology 4: 4. doi: 10.1186/1742-9994-4-4