- E-Mail: Kai.Wuennemann@mfn.berlin
- Tel: +49 30 889140 - 8857
- Fax: +49 30 889140 - 8565
Museum für Naturkunde
Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung
Invalidenstraße 43
10115 Berlin
Prof. Dr. Kai Wünnemann
Publikationen in internationalen Fachzeitschriften (peer-reviewed):
Liu, T., Michael, G., Wünnemann, K., Becker, H., Oberst, J., (re-sub to Icarus), Lunar megaregolith mixing by impacts: spatial diffusion of basin melt and its implications for sample interpretation.
Nakajima, M., Golabek, G. J., Wünnemann K., Rubie D. C., Burger, C., Manske L., Melosh, H. J., Jacobson S. A., Nimmo F., Hull, S. D., (submitted to EPSL), Scaling laws for the geometry of an impact-induced magma ocean.
Dehant V., Debaille V., Dobos V., Gaillard F., Gillmann C., Goderis S., Grenfell J. L., Höning D., Javaux E. J., Karatekin Ö., Morbidelli A., Noack L., Rauer H., Scherf M., Spohn T., Tackley P., Van Hoolst T., Wünnemann K. (2019), Geoscience for understanding habitability in the solar system and beyond, Space Science Reviews 215, 42. https://doi.org/10.1111/maps.13298
Vasconcelos, M.A.R., Rocha, F. F., Crósta, A.P., Wünnemann, K., Güldemeister N., Leite, E.P., Ferreira, J. C., Reimold W.U., (2019), Insights on the formation of a basaltic crater from numerical modeling: The Vista Alegre impact structure, southern Brazil, Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1111/maps.13298
Zhu, M.-H., Artemieva, N., Morbidelli, A., Yin, Q.Z., Becker, H., Wünnemann, K. (2019), Reconstructing the late accretion history of the Moon. Nature 571, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1359-0
Moreau, J.-G., Kohout, T., Wünnemann, K., Halodova, P., Haloda J. (2019), Shock physics mesoscale modeling of shock stage 5 and 6 in ordinary and enstatite chondrites, Icarus 332, 50-65, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2019.06.004
Liu, T., Michael, G., Engelmann, J., Wünnemann, K., Oberst, J., (2019). Regolith mixing by impacts: Lateral diffusion of basin melt. Icarus 321, 691-704.
Zhu Z.-H., Wünnemann K., Potter R.W.K., Kleine T., Morbidelli A. (2019), Are the Moon's nearside‐farside asymmetries the result of a giant impact?. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JE005826
Kenkmann, T. , Deutsch, A. , Thoma, K. , Ebert, M. , Poelchau, M. H., Buhl, E. , Carl, E. , Danilewsky, A. N., Dresen, G. , Dufresne, A. , Durr, N. , Ehm, L. , Grosse, C. , Gulde, M. , Güldemeister, N. , Hamann, C. , Hecht, L. , Hiermaier, S. , Hoerth, T. , Kowitz, A. , Langenhorst, F. , Lexow, B. , Liermann, H. , Luther, R. , Mansfeld, U. , Moser, D. , Raith, M. , Reimold, W. U., Sauer, M. , Schäfer, F. , Schmitt, R. T., Sommer, F. , Wilk, J. , Winkler, R., Wünnemann, K.(2018), Experimental impact cratering: A summary of the major results of the MEMIN research unit., Meteoritics & Planetary Science 53(8), 1543-1568. https://doi.org/10.1111/maps.13048
Luther, R. , Zhu, M. , Collins, G., Wünnemann, K. (2018), Effect of target properties and impact velocity on ejection dynamics and ejecta deposition. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 53(8), 1705-1732. https://doi.org/10.1111/maps.13143
Prieur, N. C., Rolf, T., Wünnemann, K., Werner, S. C. (2018), Formation of simple impact craters in layered targets: Implications for lunar crater morphology and regolith thickness. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 123, 1555–1578. https://doi.org/10.1029/2017JE005463
Winkler, R. , Luther, R. , Poelchau, M. H., Wünnemann, K., Kenkmann, T. (2018), Subsurface deformation of experimental hypervelocity impacts in quartzite and marble targets. Meteorit Planet Sci, 53: 1733-1755. https://doi.org/10.1111/maps.13080
Moreau, J.-G., Kohout, T., Wünnemann, K., (2018), Melting efficiency of troilite-iron assemblages in shock-darkening: Insight from numerical modeling, Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors 281, 25-38.
Zhu, M.-H., Wünnemann, K., Artemieva, N. (2017). Effects of Moon’s thermal state on the impact basin ejecta distribution,Geophysical Research Letters 44, https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GL075405
Prieur, N. C., Rolf T., Luther R., Wünnemann K., Xiao Z., Werner S. C.(2017), The effect of target properties on transient crater scaling for simple craters, J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 122, 1704–1726, https://doi.org/10.1002/2017JE005283
Bronikowska M., Artemieva N. A., Wünnemann K.(2017), Reconstruction of the Morasko Meteoroid Impact – Insight from Numerical Modeling, Meteoritics & Planetary Science 52, 1704-1721.
Luther R., Artemieva N., Ivanova M., Lorenz C., Wünnemann K. (2017), Snow carrots after the Chelyabinsk event and model implications for highly porous solar system objects, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 52, 979-999.
Moreau J., Kohout T., Wünnemann K., (2017), Shock-darkening in ordinary chondrites: pressure-temperatures conditions determination by shock physics mesoscale modelling, Meteoritics & Planetary Science 52, 2375–2390
Güldemeister N., Wünnemann K., (2017), Recording and analysis of seismic signals generated by hypervelocity impacts in experiments and numerical models, Icarus 296, 15-21.
Hamann, C., R. Luther, M. Ebert, L. Hecht, A. Deutsch, K. Wünnemann, S. Schäffer, J. Osterholz, and B. Lexow (2016), Correlating laser-generated melts with impact-generated melts: An integrated thermodynamic-petrologic approach, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 10,602–10,610, https://doi.org/10.1002/2016GL071050.
Rolf T., Zhu M.-H., Wünnemann K., Werner S.C., (2016), The role of impact bombardment history in lunar evolution, Icarus 286, 138-152.
Kowitz A., Güldemeister N., Schmitt R.T., Reimold W. U., Wünnemann K., Holzwarth A.(2016), Revision and Recalibration of existing shock classification for quartzose rocks using low-shock pressure (2.5-20 GPa) recovery experiments and meso-scale numerical modelling, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, in press.
Wünnemann K., Zhu Meng-Hua, Stöffler D. (2016), Impacts into Quartz Sand: Crater Formation, Shock Metamorphism, and Ejecta Distribution in Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Models, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, https://doi.org/10.1111/maps.12710
Zhu Meng-Hua, Wünnemann K., Potter R. W. K. (2015), Numerical Modeling of the Ejecta Distribution and Crater Formation of the Orientale Basin on the Moon, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 120, 2118-2134.Ormö J., Melero-Asensio I., Housen K., Wünnemann K., Elbeshausen D., and Collins G. S. (2015), Scaling and reproducibility of craters produced at the Experimental Projectile Impact Chamber (EPIC), Centro de Astrobiología, Spain, Meteoritics & Planetary Science 50, 2,067–2,086.
Wünnemann K., Weiss R. (2015) The meteorite impact-induced tsunami hazard, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 373, 20140381. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2014.0381
Jutzi M., Holsapple K., Wünnemann K., Michel P. (2015), Modeling asteroid collisions and impact processes, In: Michel P, De Meo F. E., Bottke W. F. (eds.): Asteroids IV, University of Arizona Press 679-700.
Güldemeister N., Wünnemann K., Poelchau M. H. (2015), Scaling impact crater dimensions in cohesive rock by numerical modeling and laboratory experiments, In: Osinski G. R., Kring, D. A. (eds.): Large meteorite impacts and planetary evolution V, Geological Society of America Special Paper 518, 17-29.
Weiss R., Lynett P., Wünnemann K. (2015), The Eltanin impact and its tsunami along the coast of South America: Insights for potential deposits, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 409, 175-181.
Marchi S., Bottke W. F., Elkins-Tanton L. T., Bierhaus M., Wünnemann K., Morbidelli A., Kring D. A. (2014), Widespread mixing and burial of Earth's Hadean crust by asteroid impacts, Nature 511 (7511), 578-582.Shuvalov V., Kührt E., de Niem D., Wünnemann K. (2014), Impact induced erosion of hot and dense atmospheres, Planetary and Space Science 98, 120-127.
Fritz J., Bitsch B., Kührt E., Morbidelli A., Tornow C., Wünnemann K., Fernandes V.A., Grenfell J.L., Rauer H., Wagner R., Werner S.C. (2014), Earth-like habitats in planetary systems, Planetary and Space Science 98, .254-267.
Moser D., Güldemeister N., Wünnemann K., Grosse C. (2013), Acoustic Emission Analysis of Experimental Impact Processes in Comparison to Ultrasound Measurements and Numerical Modelling, Journal of Acoustic Emission 31, 50-66.Kowitz A., Güldemeister N., Reimold W. U., Schmitt R. T., Wünnemann K. (2013), Diaplectic quartz glass and SiO2 melt experimentally generated at only 5 GPa shock pressure in porous sandstone: Laboratory observations and meso-scale numerical modelling, Earth and Planetary Science 384, 17-26.
Elbeshausen D., Wünnemann K., Collins G.S. (2013), The transition from circular to elliptical impact craters, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 118 (11), 2295-2309.
Weiss R., Krastel S., Anasetti A., Wünnemann K. (2013), Constraining the characteristics of tsunami waves from deformable submarine slides, Geophysical Journal International 194 (1), 316-321.
Stöffler D., Artemieva N. A., Wünnemann K., Reimold W.U., Jacob J., Hansen B. K., Summerson I. A. T. (2013), Ries crater and suevite revisited-Observations and modeling Part I: Observations, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48(4), 515-589.
Artemieva N. A., Wünnemann K., Krien F., Reimold W. U., Stöffler D. (2013), Ries crater and suevite revisited-Observations and modeling Part II: Modeling, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48(4), 590-627.
Marchi S., Bottke W. F., Cohen B. A., Wünnemann K., Kring D. A., McSween H. Y., De Sanctis M. C., O’Brien D. P., Schenk P., Raymond C. A., Russel C. T. (2013), High-velocity collisions from the lunar cataclysm recorded in asteroidal meteorites, Nature Geoscience 6(4), 303-307.
Güldemeister N., Wünnemann K., Durr N., Hiermaier S. (2013), Propagation of impact-induced shock waves in porous sandstone using mesoscale modelling, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48(1), 115-133.
Durr N., Sauer M., Güldemeister N., Wünnemann K., Hiermaier S. (2012), Mesoscale investigation of shock wave effects in dry and water-saturated sandstone, Procedia Engineering 58, 289-298.Kenkmann T., Collins G. S., Wünnemann K. (2012), The modification stage of crater formation. In: Osinski, G. R. and Pierazzo, E.(eds.): Impact Cratering, Processes and Products, Wiley & Sons, 60-75.
Collins G.S., Wünnemann, K., Artemieva N., Pierazzo B. (2012), The modification stage of crater formation. In: Osinski, G. R. & Pierazzo, E.(eds.): Impact Cratering, Processes and Products3, Wiley & Sons, 254-268.
Kohout T., Pesonen L.J., Deutsch A., Wünnemann K., Nowka D., Hornemann U., Heikinheimo E. (2012), Shock experiments in range of 10-45 GPa with small multidomain magnetite in porous targets, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 47, 1671-1680.
Cremonese G., Martellato E., Marzari F., Kührt E., Scholten F., Preusker F., Wünnemann K., Borin P., Massironi M., Simioni E., Ipg W., the OSIRIS team (2012), Hydrocode simulations of the largest crater on asteroid Lutetia, Planetary and Space Science 66, 147-154.
Oberst J., Christou A., Suggs R., Moser D., Daubar I.J., McEwen A.S., Burchell M., Kawamura T., Hiesinger H., Wünnemann K., Wagner R., Robinson M.S. (2012), The Present-Day Flux of Large Meteoroids on the Lunar Surface - A Synthesis of Models and Observational Techniques, Planetary and Space Science 74, 179-193.
Vasconcelos M.A.R., Wünnemann K., Crósta A.P., Molina E.C., Reimold W.U., Yokoyama E. (2012), Insights into the morphology of the Serra da Cangalha impact structure from geophysical modelling, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 47, 1659-1670.
Fritz J., Wünnemann K., Reimold W.U., Meyer C., Hornemann U. (2011), Shock experiments on quartz targets pre-cooled to 77 K, International Journal of Impact Engineering 38 (6), pp.440-445.Collins G.S., Melosh H.J., Wünnemann K. (2011), Improvements to the ε-α porous compaction model for simulating impacts into high-porosity solar system objects, International Journal of Impact Engineering 38 (6), 434-440.
Davison T.M., Collins G.S., Elbeshausen D., Wünnemann K., Kearsley A. (2011), Numerical modelling of hypervelocity impacts on strong ductile targets, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 46 (10), 1510-1524.
Kenkmann T., Wünnemann K., Deutsch A., Poelchau M.H., Schäfer F., Thoma K. (2011), Impact cratering in sandstone: The MEMIN pilot study on the effect of pore water, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 46(6), 890-902.
Reimold W.U., Hansen B.K., Jacob J., Artemieva N.A., Wünnemann K., Meyer C. (2011), Petrography of the impact breccias of the Enkingen (SUBO 18) drill core, southern Ries crater, Germany: New estimate of impact melt volume, Geological Society of America Bulletin, doi: 10.1130/B30470.1.
Wünnemann K., Collins G.S., Weiss R. (2010), The impact of a cosmic body in Earth's ocean and the generation of large tsunami waves - insight from numerical modelling, Reviews of Geophysics, 48, doi:10.1029/2009RG000308.Bahlburg H., Weiss R., Wünnemann K. (2010), Low energy sedimentary infill of the Chicxulub crater during the impact to post-impact transition, Earth and Planetary Science 295, 170-176.
Kenkmann T., Kowitz A., Wünnemann K., Behner T., Schäfer F., Thoma K., Deutsch A. (2010), Experimental impact cratering in sandstone: the effect of pore fluids. In: Proceedings of 11th Hypervelocity Impact Symposium, p64-74.
Elbeshausen D., Wünnemann K. (2010), iSALE-3D: A three-dimensional, multi-material, multi-rheology hydrocode and its applications to large-scale geodynamic processes. In: Proceedings of 11th Hypervelocity Impact Symposium4, 287-301.
Wünnemann K., Nowka D., Collins G.S., Elbeshausen D., Bierhaus M. (2010), Scaling of impact crater formation on planetary surfaces – insights from numerical modeling. In: Proceedings of 11th Hypervelocity Impact Symposium4, 1-13.
Kenkmann T., Collins G.S., Wittmann A., Wünnemann K., Reimold W.U., Melosh H.J. (2009), A model for the formation of the Chesapeake Bay impact crater as revealed by drilling and numerical simulation. In: Gohn G.S., Koeberl C., Miller K.G., Reimold W.U. (eds.): The ICDP-USGS Deep Drilling Project in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Results from the Eyreville Core Holes, Geological Society of America Special Paper 458, 571–585, doi:10.1130/2009.2458(25).Weiss R., Fritz H. M., Wünnemann K. (2009), Hybrid modelling of the mega-tsunami runup in Lituya Bay after half a century, Geophysical Research Letters 36, doi:10.1029/2009GL037814.
Kenkmann T., Artemieva N.A., Wünnemann K., Poelchau M.H., Elbeshausen E. (2009), The remarkable meteorite impact event on September 15, 2007, Carancas, Peru: What did we learn? Meteoritics and Planetary Science 44, 985-1001.
Elbeshausen D., Wünnemann K., Collins G.S. (2009), Scaling of oblique impacts in frictional targets: Implications for crater size and formation mechanisms, Icarus doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2009.07.018.
Pierazzo E., Artemieva N., Asphaug E., Baldwin E.C., Cazamias J., Coker R., Collins G.S., Crawford D.A., Davison T., Elbeshausen D., Holsapple K.A., Housen K.R., Korycansky D.G., Wünnemann K. (2008), Validation of numerical codes for impact and explosion cratering, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 43, 1917-1938.Collins G.S., Kenkmann T., Osinski G.R., Wünnemann K. (2008), Mid-sized complex crater formation in mixed crystalline targets: Insight from modeling and observation, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 43, 1955-1977.
Collins G.S., Morgan J., Barton P., Christeson G., Gulick S., Urritia J., Warner M., Wünnemann K. (2008), Dynamic modeling suggests asymmetries in the Chicxulub crater are caused by target heterogeneity, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 270, 221-230.
Wünneman K., Collins G.S., Osinski G.R.(2008), Numerical modelling of impact melt production in porous rocks, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 269, 529-538.
Collins G. S., Artemieva N., Wünnemann K., Bland P. A., Reimold W. U., Koeberl C. (2008), Evidence that Lake Cheko is not an impact crater, Terra Nova 20, 165-168.
Wünnemann K., Weiss R., Hofmann K. (2007), Characteristic of oceanic impact induced large water waves – reevaluation of the tsunami hazard, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42, 1893-1903.Weiss R., Wünnemann K. (2007), Large waves caused by oceanic impacts of meteorites. In: A. Kunda, (ed.): Tsunami and nonlinear waves, Springer Verlag, p. 235-260.
Schäfer F., Thoma K., Behner T., Kenkmann T., Wünnemann K., Deutsch A., and the MEMIN-Team (2006), Impact Experiments on dry and wet sandstone, Proc. First International Conference on Impact Cratering in the Solar System, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 08 - 12 May 2006, 6pp.Goldin T. J., Wünnemann K., Melosh, H. J., Collins G. S (2006), Hydrocode modeling of the Sierra Madera impact structure, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 21, 1947-1958.
Weiss R., Wünnemann K., Bahlburg, H. (2006), Numerical modeling of generation, propagation and run-up of tsunamis caused by oceanic impacts: model strategy and technical solutions, Geophysical Journal International 167, 77-88.
Wünnemann K., Collins G. S., Melosh H. J. (2006), A strain-based porosity model for use in hydrocode simulations of impacts and implications for transient-crater growth in porous targets, Icarus 180, 514-527.
Collins G. S., Wünnemann K. (2005), How big was the Chesapeake Bay impact? Insight from numerical modelling, Geology, 33, 925-928.Jones A. P., Wünnemann K., Price D. ( 2005), Modeling impact volcanism as a possible origin for the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP). In: Foulger G. R., Natland J. H., Presnall D. C., Anderson D. L. (eds.): Plates, plumes, and paradigms, Geological Society of America Special Paper 388, 711-720.
Wünnemann K., Morgan J. V., Jödicke H. (2005), Is Ries crater typical for its size? An analysis based upon old and new geophysical data and numerical modeling. In: Kenkmann T., Hörz F., Deutsch A. (eds.): Large meteorite impacts III, Geological Society of America Special Paper 384, 67-83.
Wünnemann K., Ivanov B. A. (2003), Numerical modelling of impact crater depth-diameter dependence in an acoustically fluidized target, Planetary and Space Science, 51, 831-845.2002:
Wünnemann K., Lange M.A. (2002), Numerical modelling of impact induced modifications of the deep-sea floor, Deep Sea Research II, 49, 969-981.Andere Publikationen:
Wünnemann K., Hecht L., Schmitt R. T., Reimold W.U. (2013), Die MEMIN Forschergruppe – Nach einschlagenden Ergebnissen auf dem Weg zu neuen Zielen, Jahresbericht Museum für Naturkunde.
Greshake A., Wünnemann K. (2013), Der Meteoritenfall von Tscheljabinsk, Jahresbericht Museum für Naturkunde.
Güldemeister N., Wünnemann K. (2012), The formation of meteorite impact craters– insights from laboratory experiments and numerical modeling, Mitteilungen Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft, “Rote Blätter” 1, 10-17.
Wünnemann K. (2012), Meteorit auf Kollisionskurs mit der Erde – und dann? Das Museum für Naturkunde berät die Europäische Weltraumorganisation, Jahresbericht Museum für Naturkunde.
Wünnemann K., Fritz J., Reimold W.U. (2010), Was macht die Erde so lebenswert? Die Helmholtz Allianz, Planetare Evolution und Leben“, Jahresbericht Museum für Naturkunde.
Wünnemann K., Reimold W.U., Kenkmann T. (2007), Die Chiemgau-Impakt-Kontroverse, Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen (GMIT) 29.
Kenkmann T., Wünnemann K. (2007), Sandstein unter Beschuss, Humboldt-Spektrum 2, 50-54.
Wünnemann K., Reimold W.U., Kenkmann T. (2007), Postuliertes Impaktereignis im Chiemgau nicht haltbar, Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen (GMIT) 27, 19-21.
Wünnemann K. (2006), Meteoriteneinschlag im Meer: Computersimulation vernichtender Tsunamiwellen, Jahresbericht Museum für Naturkunde
Prof. Dr. Kai Wünnemann
seit 2017 S-Professor für Impakt- und Planetenphysik an der Freien Universität Berlin und MfN
seit 2017 Stellvertretnder Leiter Forschungsbereich Evolution und Geoprozesse, MfN
seit 2010 Leiter der Abteilung Impakt- und Meteoritenforschung, MfN
2005-2010 Leitung DFG Nachwuchsgruppe "Numerical modelling of large scale asteroid impact events" am MfN
2004-2005 Postoc, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
2003-2004 Auslandsstipendium (DFG) am Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
2002-2003 Auslandsstipendium (DFG) am Imperial College London, UK
2001-2002 Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter Inst. Für Geophysik, WWU Münster
2001 Promotion „ Die numerische Behandlung von Impaktprozessen - Kraterbildung, stoßwelleninduzierte Krustenmodifikationen und ozeanische Einschlagereignisse“
1998-2001 Doktorand im DFG Graduiertenkolleg „Entstehung und Entwicklung des Sonnensystem“, WWU Münster
1992-1997 Studium der Geophysik, WWU Münster
- Numerische Modellierung von Geodynamischen Prozessen
- Softwareentwicklung: iSALE Hydrocode zur Modellierung von (kurzzeitigen) geodynamischen Prozessen
- Betreuung des Computer-Clusters
- Leiter der Abteilung "Impakt- und Meteoritenforschung" im Forschungsbereich "Evolution und Geoprozesse"
- Erforschung von Impaktprozessen im Sonnensystem: Mithilfe von Computer Simulationen soll ein besseres Verständnis der hochdynamischen Prozesse während der Kollision eines extraterrestrischen Körpers mit planetaren Oberflächen gewonnen werden. Besondere Schwerpunkte sind: Kraterbildung und Kollaps
- Auswurfballistik und "Ejekta Plume"
- Bildung von Impaktschmelze und Stoßwellenmetamorphose
- Ozeanische Einschläge und die Bildung von Tsunamiwellen
- Gravitative Massenbewegungen, z.B. marine Hangrutschungen: In Küstenregionen können submarine und subaeriale Rutschungen, ausgelöst durch z.B. Erdbeben oder Vulkanausbrüchen, Tsunamiwellen verursachen. Computermodelle werden dazu verwendet sowohl die Interaktion zwischen Rutschungskörper und Wasser (Bildung von Wellen) als auch die Ausbreitung im Ozean und das Auflaufen von Tsunamis entlang der Küsten zu simulieren. Die Erforschung dieser Prozesse leistet somit einen wesentlich Beitrag zur Vorhersage, Quantifizierung der zu erwartenden Auswirkungen und Riskobewertung von Hangrutschungen in Küstenregionen.
Projekt 1 > MEMIN: Numerische Modellierung der Kraterbildung
Projekt 2 > Helmholtz Allianz: Planetenentwicklung und Leben - Impaktprozesse
Projekt 3 > Modellierung von Tsunamiwellen, die durch Hangrutschungen ausgelöst werden
Projekt 4 > Der Ejekta Plume des Ries Meteoritenschlages
Projekt 5 > Numerische Modellierung von großskaligen Meteoriteneinschläge
Publikationen (Auswahl)
Zhu Meng-Hua, Wünnemann K., Potter R. W. K. (2015), Numerical Modeling of the Ejecta Distribution and Crater Formation of the Orientale Basin on the Moon, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 120, 2118-2134.
Wünnemann K., Weiss R. (2015), The meteorite impact-induced tsunami hazard, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 373, 20140381. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2014.0381.
Marchi S., Bottke W. F., Elkins-Tanton L. T., Bierhaus M., Wünnemann K., Morbidelli A., Kring D. A. (2014), Widespread mixing and burial of Earth's Hadean crust by asteroid impacts, Nature 511 (7511), 578-582.
Artemieva N. A., Wünnemann K., Krien F., Reimold W. U., Stöffler D. (2013), Ries crater and suevite revisited-Observations and modeling Part II: Modeling, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48(4), 590-627.
Marchi S., Bottke W. F., Cohen B. A., Wünnemann K., Kring D. A., McSween H. Y., De Sanctis M. C., O’Brien D. P., Schenk P., Raymond C. A., Russel C. T. (2013), High-velocity collisions from the lunar cataclysm recorded in asteroidal meteorites, Nature Geoscience 6(4), 303-307.
Wünnemann K., Collins G.S., Weiss R. (2010), The impact of a cosmic body in Earth's ocean and the generation of large tsunami waves - insight from numerical modelling, Reviews of Geophysics, 48, doi:10.1029/2009RG000308.
Elbeshausen D., Wünnemann K., Collins G.S. (2009), Scaling of oblique impacts in frictional targets: Implications for crater size and formation mechanisms, Icarus doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2009.07.018.
Wünneman K., Collins G.S., Osinski G.R.(2008), Numerical modelling of impact melt production in porous rocks, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 269, 529-538.
Wünnemann K., Collins G. S., Melosh H. J. (2006), A strain-based porosity model for use in hydrocode simulations of impacts and implications for transient-crater growth in porous targets, Icarus 180, 514-527.
Wünnemann K., Ivanov B. A. (2003), Numerical modelling of impact crater depth-diameter dependence in an acoustically fluidized target, Planetary and Space Science, 51, 831-845.
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