Order Oldest firstNewest first Wed | 12/11/2024 | 07:59 Evolutionary biologist at the Berlin Natural History Museum is awarded the American Poetry Prize This year's Cave Canem US Poetry Prize has been awarded to Brandon Kilbourne, evolutionary biologist at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. His poetry collection ‘Natural History’ bears witness to how the exploration of the natural world was intertwined with the horrors of slavery and colonialism. The Tue | 12/03/2024 | 10:36 5 December is International Volunteer Day: We say thank you! Volunteering is present everywhere in our museum: around 150 people are actively involved in our museum community, enriching and influencing what happens in the museum Mon | 10/21/2024 | 11:32 Ten years of Open Access: A decade of open knowledge transfer at the Museum für Naturkunde Exactly ten years ago, our three specialist journals took a decisive step into the future of scientific publishing: the introduction of the Open Access model. Since then, the museum, in the form of the Coordination Centre for Scientific Publishing (KWP), has been continuously committed to promoting Wed | 09/25/2024 | 14:38 Updated information on the status of the reconstruction of the IT infrastructure main entrance On 18 October 2023, our IT infrastructure was the target of a serious cyberattack. Rebuilding these complex systems is a lengthy process, but we will do it with the utmost care and in accordance with the highest security standards. We are establishing a robust and future-proof IT infrastructure that meets the latest technological requirements and optimally supports scientific operations. Tue | 09/24/2024 | 11:20 The origin of the Madagascar Ridge: three hypotheses Expedition SO307 untersucht Geologie und Biologie des Madagaskar-Rückens. Am 12.09.2024 startete das Forschungsschiff SONNE zu einer Expedition in den südwestlichen Indischen Ozean. Vom 12. September bis zum 28. Oktober 2024 wird ein Team von 25 Wissenschaftler:innen unter der Leitung von PD Dr. Jör Wed | 06/19/2024 | 11:39 Natural History Museum Berlin awarded for living responsibility On 18 June 2024 in Berlin, the Museum für Naturkunde was honoured as one of 306 organisations for its family and life-phase-conscious HR policy at the 26th berufundfamilie certificate award ceremony Tue | 04/23/2024 | 11:42 Research prize for citizen science up for the taking The Wissen der Vielen Research Award for Citizen Science is entering a new round. Scientists can nominate themselves or colleagues with a research paper from now until 3 June 2024. Tue | 04/23/2024 | 11:42 Research prize for citizen science up for the taking The Knowledge of Many - Research Award for Citizen Science is entering a new round. Scientists can nominate themselves or colleagues with a research paper from now until 3 June 2024. Thu | 04/18/2024 | 11:40 Big data for biodiversity: German natural history collections join forces for DiSSCo Sechs führende naturkundliche Sammlungen Deutschlands haben am 16. April 2024 ihre Kräfte gebündelt, um über 140 Millionen Sammlungsobjekte für die wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaft digital zu vernetzen und öffentlich zugänglich zu machen Mon | 03/18/2024 | 13:56 10 must-knows as a guide to preserving biodiversity The new report from the Leibniz Biodiversity Research Network shows politicians and society concrete ways in which biological diversity can be effectively preserved and used sustainably at local, national and European levels, and how the climate can be protected at the same time. Mon | 03/18/2024 | 10:14 International FAIR Digital Objects Implementation Summit 2024 in Berlin Nach einer erfolgreichen ersten internationalen FAIR Digital Objects (FDO) Konferenz in Leiden, Niederlande, im Jahr 2022 bringt das FDO Forum die nächste Tagung ans Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN). Fri | 02/09/2024 | 16:47 Johannes Vogel: "One day a week for our democracy!" Science must open up to society in new, including experimental ways. Tue | 09/26/2023 | 15:31 With volunteer power to the last planting On 21st of September 2023, Deutsche Bahn and Museum für Naturkunde Berlin therefore joined forces in a voluntary day of action to garden together for the preservation of biodiversity. Thu | 08/31/2023 | 10:38 The Old Lady: Missing Berliner spotted for the first time in 30 years Implementing a project on animals, plants and fungi that have disappeared from Berlin. Fri | 08/25/2023 | 15:27 German-Polish team researches on mice in the Lower Oder Valley National Park Small mammal researchers in the Lower Oder Valley National Park Fri | 08/25/2023 | 13:32 Declaration of the Directorate on the occasion of an IT malfunction As a result of a technical malfunction, we are currently unable to access a central drive on which parts of our scientific data are also stored. The data on this storage system is currently inaccessible to us. Even a complete import of the blocked data from a back-up is not possible. The process of restoring access to this data has been started with external support, and an initial inventory is expected to last until mid-September. Mon | 07/24/2023 | 10:55 Discovery of oldest microorganisms preserved in their form Exceptional importance for our understanding of the development of early life! Fri | 06/30/2023 | 13:47 Women in Herpetology: 50 Stories from Around the World New book celebrates the grit and passion of women in amphibian and reptile science Tue | 06/13/2023 | 09:48 The need for a strong and ambitious law on nature restoration CETAF call for support for new EU draft law Tue | 05/23/2023 | 17:00 Call for volunteers Call for volunteers Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 … Next page Nächste Seite › Last page Ende »