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Research prize for citizen science up for the taking

Research prize for citizen science up for the taking

Das Wissen der Vielen - Research Award for Citizen Science is entering a new round. Scientists can nominate themselves or colleagues with a research paper from now until 3 June 2024.

The competition is looking for outstanding publications from the last five years that have been produced through the application of citizen science. The award supports participatory researchers from various disciplines and levels of professional experience. The aim is to strengthen the recognition of participatory approaches in science. 

The prize is endowed with a total of 35,000 euros. This means a prize money of 20,000 euros for 1st place, 10,000 euros for 2nd place and 5,000 euros for 3rd place. The prizes are organised by Wissenschaft im Dialog and the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin as part of the project mit:forschen!Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen (formerly Bürger schaffen Wissen) project. 

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research sponsors the prize. The prize is awarded by an interdisciplinary jury of professors. An award ceremony will take place on 9 October 2024 in Hamburg as part of the Forum Citizen Science.

The nominee must be affiliated with a German research institution (university, university of applied sciences or non-university research institute). Individual authors will be honoured on behalf of the collective scientific work. 

The professional quality and the social dimension of the submitted works are taken into account for the valuation. In addition, the jury focuses on the added benefit of citizen science for research and the quality of involvement of citizens in the research process. The prize money is intended to be used by the winners to further expand their activities in the field of citizen science.

For more information on the prize and how to

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