For the third time, the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin presents the new format "Kaffeeklatsch mit Wissenschaft" in the Experimental Field of Participation and Open Science.
Get ready to get exciting insights into the work of our scientists and drink coffee in a cosy atmosphere. Everyone is welcome to ask questions and contribute to the discussion.
This time Julia Lorenz, biologist and scientific assistant at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) in Berlin, will be present. She is currently working on the "WTimpact" project, in which a multidisciplinary team of scientists is conducting various Citizen Science studies and investigating what the participants have learned from their research experience. Citizens can not only collect data in WTimpact, but also evaluate and analyse it on the project Internet platform themselves.
Julia works in the team "Fledermausforscher Berlin" (, which wants to find out more about bats in the city together with Berliners. Julia looks after the citizen scientists, gives workshops and deals with European bats and their ecological niches in Berlin's urban jungle.
Experimental Field (Exhibition area 6)
A registration is not required.