Order Oldest firstNewest first AmberAmphibiansAnimal sound archiveProtection of SpeciesExtinction of SpeciesAstronomyExhibitionBiodiversityBirdsCitizen ScienceChildrenClimate ChangeCollaborationCollectionCollections ManagementCooperationCoralsCultural HeritageDatabaseDigitalizationEarth SciencesEcosystemImpactEventEvolutionFinanceFishesResearchResearch ClusterFossilsFuture PlanGeneticsGenomicsSocietyInsectsKnowledge TransferLaboratoriesMammalsMeteoritesMineralsMolluscaMorphologyMuseum VisitNatureOpen MuseumOpen SciencePlantsPodcastPoliticsReptilesResearch Data ManagementSaurScience CommunicationSpecial ExhibitionSpider Press release, 24-07-2024 Extinction of Species Biodiversity Climate Change Nature High loss of species in Berlin The team of the Research Cluster “NaturBerlin” at the Museum für Naturkunde has published a study on species loss in Berlin. The results reveal a species loss of 16% since the end of the 17th century and demonstrate that the loss of species depends on increasing urbanisation as well as the geographi Press release, 12-04-2024 Extinction of Species Research Genomics Collection Mammals Why European colonization drove the blue antelope to extinction Genomic data shed light on the evolutionary history and extinction of the blue antelope. Press release, 04-10-2023 Amphibians Protection of Species Extinction of Species Climate Change Investing in amphibians means investing in the future of our planet Amphibians remain the most threatened group of vertebrates and climate change emerges as major driver of amphibian declines globally Press release, 18-05-2023 Protection of Species Extinction of Species Biodiversity Research Genetics Insects Biodiversity discovery: Unknown species ("dark taxa") drive insect diversity 20 insect families globally account for 50% of flying insect biodiversity, whether in local meadows or tropical forests. Press release, 08-11-2022 Extinction of Species Biodiversity Ecosystem Extinct and discovered: Germany's oldest freshwater shrimp An international team of researchers led by the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin has described Europe's first fossil freshwater shrimp species in the journal Scientific Reports. Press release, 03-11-2022 Extinction of Species Genomics Mammals Oldest palaeogenome from the African continent tells of the extinction of the blue antelope Scientists generated the first two nuclear genomes of the extinct blue antelope Press release, 19-07-2022 Extinction of Species Fossils Climate Change Who survives climate change? Researchers from the museum and the University of Erlangen investigated extinction events with rapid global warming over the past 300 million years. Press release, 27-04-2022 Extinction of Species Biodiversity Research Climate Change Reptiles First global analysis of threats to all reptile species A quarter of all lizard and snake species and almost two-thirds of all turtles and crocodiles are threatened with extinction Press release, 06-12-2021 Protection of Species Extinction of Species Biodiversity Finance Research Genetics Insects Biodiversity Discovery 4.0 for everyone Protection of Species Extinction of Species Biodiversity Finance Research Genetics Insects Press release, 06-12-2021 Scientists at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, together with colleagues from the National University of Singapore, have succeeded in optimizing and simplifying a method of species identification using a genetic "barcode" system and a small inexpensive sequencing device. The new approach requires minimal low-cost materials and is simple enough to be carried out by everyone at the site of discovery and complements the scientific expertise of researchers. Press release, 12-08-2021 Extinction of Species Evolution Genetics Climate Change Collection Mammals Berlin collections research emphasises need for protection of addax DNA from 19th and 20th Century specimens reveal genetic diversity of critically endangered addax Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page Next › Last page Last »