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Berlin Urban Nature - Box 1: The Nightingale

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geöffnete Box "Berliner Nachtigall"
Press release,

With its "Berlin Urban Nature" series, the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin focuses on a different species of Berlin nature in each issue. Box 1 is dedicated to the Berlin nightingale. It contains a map of Berlin nightingale hotspots, a booklet with information, and a notebook for observations, and is available online in the museum store.

Berlin is the capital of the nightingale. In spring, Berliners welcome more than 3,000 of these small birds. But why does the nightingale love Berlin? Where can you listen to it? Why is their song so varied? And where do these little birds fly to in the autumn?

In the first edition of the Boxes on Berlin's Urban Nature, Sarah Darwin, Silke Voigt-Heucke and Kim Mortega are on the trail of the nightingale and its inspiring song. As part of the Citizen Science project "Forschungsfall Nachtigall", the authors have already inspired citizens to get involved in nightingale research. Together with this nightingale community, they researched the nightingale's song and dedicated themselves to the diverse cultural aspects of this small bird. At the time, the citizen science project called on people to record nightingales in their neighborhood and share them with the project's database with automatic location and time information. This required the free "Naturblick" app developed by the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. Without this work of the citizen scientists, the development of the now available map of Berlin nightingale hotspots would not have been possible.

The "Berlin Nightingale" box is available online in the museum store for 19,95 Euro. Once purchased, anyone interested can go out into Berlin's parks and gardens to rediscover the city on the trail of the nightingale.
