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[bio’nd]: View in a bio-based future

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Press release,

The Science Year 2020 is dedicated to the "bio-economy". The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, together with the Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment (IZT) and the design firm Ellery Studio, is therefore starting a series of events starting on 5 May 2020 that will address the sometimes serious technological and social issues of the bio-economy: Will the chemical industry change its raw material base from crude oil to renewable resources such as corn? And if so, will agricultural monocultures be the consequence? Will we in future eat meat substitutes produced in bioreactors? Will we in future dress ourselves with textiles that are produced biotechnologically? Can the bio-economy ultimately be a sustainable form of future economic activity?

The "Experimental Field for Participation and Open Science" of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin provides the framework. "The new, open format for the Year of Science shows The future of the 'bio-economy' can be shaped," says Dr. Wiebke Rössig, head of the Experimental Field

Eight - partly virtual - events are planned at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin: Videoconference, Worldcafé, Scientific Coffee Klatch, Writing Workshop, Comic Workshop, Panel Discussion with Gala Evening The project was initiated by Dr. Siegfried Behrendt, head of research at the IZT - Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment: "Limited arable land, a growing world population and global warming demand new forms of economic activity. The innovation potential of the bio-economy is enormous, but the path to the bio-economy brings new side effects, risks and conflicts".

The dialogue-oriented event formats will result in a multimedia exhibition, which will be curated by Ellery Studio both in the museum and in parallel on its own website. Dr. Siegfried Behrendt (IZT) emphasizes: "Bio-economy is not a ready-made concept of how to reconcile economy and nature, but raises many questions that cannot only be answered by experts, but concern us all". Therefore, the organizers jointly invite participants to design visionary and speculative futures of the bio-economy and to explore the question: In which future do we want to live?

In times of Corona, the kick-off will be a digital event in the format of a video conference (in German):

[bio’nd] Bioökonomie – Wirtschaftsform der Zukunft?

Di., 5. Mai. 2020, 17-18 Uhr
Anmeldungen bitte per Mail an:

Zugang: Zoom

Impulsbeitrag: „Bioökonomie – Suche nach Lösungen auf globale Herausforderungen“, Dr. Siegfried Behrendt (Forschungsleiter Technologie und Innovation, IZT - Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung)

Diskussion: Dr. Jörg Freyhof (Wissenschaftler im Bereich Bioökonomie und Biodiversität am Museum für Naturkunde Berlin), Dr. Siegfried Behrendt (IZT - Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung)

Moderation: Martina Lutz (Museum für Naturkunde Berlin)


More events (in German)

Veranstaltung (Titel & Format)


[bio’nd] Fashion/Kleidung.

Welche neuen Textilien und Materialien uns in Zukunft umgeben.

Kaffeeklatsch mit Wissenschaft (online)

So., 14.06.
14-16 Uhr

[bio’nd] Natur/e.

Wie wir die Welt mit Biotechnologien umgestalten (werden).

Zine-Workshop (wsl. online)

Sa., 15. & So., 16.08.

jeweils 11-16 Uhr

[bio’nd] Konsum.

Wie Bioökonomie Konsum- und Lebensstile verändert.

Worldcafé (wsl. online)

Sa., 29.08.

Lange Nacht der Museen

18–02 Uhr

[bio’nd] Bees and Worms/Bienen und Würmer.

Die Bedeutung von Insekten für Biodiversität

und als neue Rohstoffquellen von Proteinen und Textilien


Di., 08., 15., 22., 29.09.

jeweils 16-18 Uhr (x4)

[bio’nd] Food/Nahrung.

Wie wir in Zukunft essen werden.

Speculative Futures

Mi., 23.09.

16-18 Uhr

[bio’nd] Soil/Boden.

Mit welcher Landwirtschaft die Welt ernährt werden kann.


Do., 08.10.

19-22:30 Uhr

[bio’nd] (Bio)Ökonomie. Dasselbe nur in grün?

Wie der Pfadwechsel zu einer

nachhaltigen Bioökonomie gelingen kann.

Podiumsdiskussion, Finissage-Gala

Do., 03.12.

16-22 Uhr


Until events are resumed, the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin will endeavour to realise all planned events online. The series is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the Year of Science Bioeconomy.

Internet presence of the event and exhibition project [bio'nd]:

The [bio'nd] project can be found on the website of the Science Year 2020.

Science Year 2020 - Bioeconomy
How can we live more sustainably, conserve resources and at the same time maintain our high standard of living? The Science Year 2020 - Bioeconomy provides answers to this question. Citizens are invited to discuss the change towards sustainable, biobased production and consumption methods in a dialogue with science and research. The concept of the bio-economy with all its potentials and challenges will be brought to life in a variety of formats and illuminated from different perspectives.
The Science Years are an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) together with Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD).


