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Museum für Naturkunde with workshop series and action day on the global climate strike

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The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin continues supporting the dialogue between Fridays For Future and scientists in the new school year. Starting 30 August, a series of workshops on topics such as climate change, the extinction of species and related conflicts will take place in the Experimental Field for Participation and Open Science. On the occasion of the global climate strike on 20 September, the museum will invite scientific experts to exchange ideas with the public and offers free admission.

Workshop series on climate change

Since March 2019, students, schoolchildren and accompanying teachers have free admission to the Museum of Natural History from 13.30 on Fridays. In various formats, the young people were able to discuss with scientists from the museum and friendly institutions, broaden their knowledge and sharpen their arguments. The exchange forum will now be replaced by a series of workshops with opportunities for comprehensive discussion.

In the workshop series starting on 30 August, scientific experts will approach the topics of climate change, extinction of species as well as changes in transport, energy supply and agriculture in an interactive way offering space for exchange between science and public. The workshops will take place from 14.00 to 16.00. First dates and topics have already been set:

30 August 2019
Workshop "Energie für Forschdorf"
Teams entwerfen Systeme zur Versorgung einer Kleinstadt mit Strom und Wärme.
Christoph Pels Leusden, Beuth Hochschule Berlin

6 September 2019
Workshop "The Anthropocene and You" (In English)
J Henry Fair, Fotograf und Klimaaktivist

13 September 2019
Workshop "Je größer die Ungleichheit in einer Gesellschaft, desto mehr Verlust an biologischer Vielfalt. Ein (vermeintlich) einfacher Zusammenhang.“
Jens Jetzkowitz, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

20 September 2019
Workshop "Warum ist ein umfassender CO2-Preis eigentlich das beste Instrument zur Senkung der Treibhausgas-Emissionen?"
Dr. Nils aus dem Moore, RWI – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung

27 September 2019
Aktuelle Stunde "Wetterextreme und typische Einwände in der Klimadebatte"
Maria Martin und Jascha Lehmann, Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung

4 October 2019
Diskussion "Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen der Umweltverschmutzung und des Klimawandels"
Bernd Rupp, Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie

Global Climate Strike Action Day on 20 September

On the occasion of the global climate strike on 20 September, the Museum für Naturkunde will open its doors to all citizens free of charge throughout the day. Scientific experts will be available to answer questions in the exhibitions.

"Many people believe that our obligation is fulfilled when we invite our citizens to visit the museum," says Director General Johannes Vogel. "We believe that through our offerings we enable people to deal with nature themselves and to develop further. Museums must be part of society. We can inspire the young and committed generation for nature, politics and society and enable them to actively shape their future. That's why we will set up our programme on 20 September together with Fridays for Future."  

The special exhibition ARTEFAKTE, which has been extended until 20 October, is particularly well suited to deal in depth with some of the most pressing issues of the future. The exhibition includes large-format pictures by New York-based artist J Henry Fair, who took bird's-eye photographs of hard-to-reach industrial areas, toxic waste deposits and coal-mining areas documenting the sometimes catastrophic effects of human activity on nature.
