mit:forschen! Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen - The Platform for Citizen Science
Citizen Science stands for the active participation of citizens in scientific processes and combines social engagement with the generation of scientific knowledge. The cooperation between researchers and volunteers is becoming increasingly important. A growing number of Citizen Science projects impressively illustrate that the active participation of citizens in research not only leads to new knowledge, but also makes a valuable contribution to practice, politics and education. The platform mit:forschen! Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen (formerly Bürger schaffen Wissen) plays a central role in the promotion and further development of Citizen Science. It offers Citizen Science projects with a connection in Germany a central place to present, inform and network. It also actively promotes the establishment of Citizen Science, for example through regular training workshops on relevant topics in the research field.
Diversity of the Citizen Science landscape
Together with Wissenschaft im Dialog, the Museum für Naturkunde has been operating mit:forschen! as a central platform for Citizen Science in Germany since November 2013. More than 270 projects from various disciplines are currently presented there and invite citizens to actively participate in research in a variety of ways. Citizens participate in natural science research projects that investigate the impact of humans on nature and develop measures to preserve it. Through their participation in historical research initiatives, citizens make an indispensable contribution to the development of historical sources and the protection of cultural heritage. Citizens are also involved in medicine and health research, as well as many other scientific disciplines. The opportunities for citizens to become actively involved in research as Citizen Scientists are constantly increasing. More and more organizations and initiatives enable citizens to contribute their knowledge, time and passion.
Networking the national and international Citizen Science community
mit:forschen! is the center of a growing Citizen Science network with thematic and regional working groups. As a central point of contact for the citizen science community in Germany, mit:forschen! provides information about citizen science and connects the public, scientific partners and civil society actors.
In addition to online formats such as Digitale Mittagspause, mit:forschen also organizes the annual Forum Citizen Science, the conference for Citizen Science in Germany. Here, current developments and findings of the community are discussed, experiences are exchanged and new synergies are explored.
mit:forschen! is actively involved in current science policy developments and advocates nationally and internationally for the promotion and strengthening of Citizen Science.
Establishing Citizen Science in the research landscape
With a diverse range of workshops, mit:forschen! actively contributes to capacity building in the field of Citizen Science, both within academia and in organized civil society.
To highlight Citizen Science as a research approach in the academic science system, a jury of university professors with interdisciplinary expertise has been awarding the Wissen der Vielen - Research Prize for Citizen Science within the framework of mit:forschen! since 2023. This prize is awarded to researchers for research work that illustrates how scientific excellence can be achieved thanks to Citizen Science.