In January 2021, the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and ART+COM Studios launched the NuForm research project. For two years, the project will develop and test new forms and formats of encounter communication that are intended to sustainably expand the museum exhibition experience.
Hygienic requirements, closing times and contact restrictions in the context of the Covid19 pandemic pose special challenges for encounters and communication in the museum space - these are being addressed by the NuForm project:
Using specific case studies, the project will identify individual factors and mechanisms of action that constitute different types of museum experience. By analyzing these components, new formats of knowledge communication can be identified and tested that work under the restrictions of the Covid-19 protection measures and possibly also signify innovations in the field of encounter communication for cultural institutions.
On a theoretical level, we consider existing analog educational and cultural programs. Taking this as a starting point, we explore which factors play a significant role in dialogue communication and how similarly or differently visitors use analog, digital, and hybrid programs.
On a practical level, we work on concrete application scenarios in which we develop concepts and technologies. These are tested as prototypes, used in the museum and evaluated. In this way, we call these work packages Show Cases.
Show Cases
The 360°Guided Tour: personalized visitor tours
The Mineral Dance: Intersection of real and virtual encounter
The Point-Cloud-Walk: virtual visits
Live Science: extending the museum space
The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.