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Wassernetz Berlin: Berlin nature conservation associations work together to protect urban water bodies

Entlang der Panke in Berlin

The project "Wassernetz Berlin" is a civil society network in the field of water protection and biodiversity. The network was founded by the Berliner Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Naturschutz e.V. as project promoter, BUND Berlin e.V., GRÜNE LIGA Berlin e.V., NABU Landesverband Berlin e.V., tip: tap e.V. and the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.

The network aims to advance the ambitious implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in Berlin with the active participation of citizens. This is the only way to ensure that the city's waters and their biodiversity are protected, improved and used with care. This includes the conservation of natural drinking water resources as well as groundwater-dependent peatlands, floodplains and forests.


The Museum für Naturkunde is particularly committed to promoting civic engagement, supporting biodiversity and the biotope network. Together with all actors, we want to create awareness for the state of urban waters and support the development of a strong network.


Wassernetz Berlin provides public education, training and advice on water issues, invites people to networking meetings, and exciting and informative dialogues on water bodies.

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