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Publikationen - Mikroevolution


Publikationen Autoren Jahr Publikationstyp/th> Publikationssubtyp
Berdan, E.; Blankers, T.; Waurick, I.; Mazzoni, C.; Mayer, F. 122 Blankers, T.; Waurick, I.; Mayer, F. Berdan, E.; Blankers, T.; Waurick, I.; Mazzoni, C.; Mayer, F. (2016). A genes eye view of ontogeny: de novoassembly and profiling of the Gryllus rubens transcriptome. Molecular Ecology Resources, 16 (6): 1478-1490. DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12530. Department: Microevolution; Collection: DNA-/Gewebesammlung; Laboratory: DNA-lab 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Cabral, J.; Valente, L.; Hartig, F. 465 Valente, L. Cabral, J.; Valente, L.; Hartig, F. (2016). Mechanistic simulation models in macroecology and biogeography: state-of-art and prospects. Ecography, 40 (2): 267-280. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.02480. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Croze, M.; Živković, D.; Stephan, W.; Hutter, S. 1223 Stephan, W. Croze, M.; Živković, D.; Stephan, W.; Hutter, S. (2016). Balancing selection on immunity genes: review of the current literature and new analysis in Drosophila melanogaster. Zoology, 119 (4): 322-329. DOI: 10.1016/j.zool.2016.03.004. Animal Science and Zoology; Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Doležálková, M.; Sember, A.; Marec, F.; Ráb, P.; Plötner, J.; Choleva, L. 1039 Plötner, J. Doležálková, M.; Sember, A.; Marec, F.; Ráb, P.; Plötner, J.; Choleva, L. (2016). Is premeiotic genome elimination an exclusive mechanism for hemiclonal reproduction in hybrid males of the genus Pelophylax?. BMC Genetics, 17 (100): 1-9. DOI: 10.1186/s12863-016-0408-z. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Drakulić, S.; Feldhaar, H.; Lisičić, D.; Mioč, M.; Cizelj, I.; Seiler, M.; Spatz, T.; Rödel, M.-O. 174 Rödel, M.-O. Drakulić, S.; Feldhaar, H.; Lisičić, D.; Mioč, M.; Cizelj, I.; Seiler, M.; Spatz, T.; Rödel, M.-O. (2016). Population-specific effects of developmental temperature on body condition and jumping performance of a widespread European frog. Ecology and Evolution, 6 (10): 3115-3128. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2113. Department: Evolutionary Morphology; Department: Microevolution; Department: Diversity Dynamics 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Dressler, F.; Mutschlechner, M.; Li, B.; Kapitza, R.; Ripperger, S.; Eibel, C.; Herzog, B.; Hönig, T.; Schröder-Preikschat, W. 107 Ripperger, S. Dressler, F.; Mutschlechner, M.; Li, B.; Kapitza, R.; Ripperger, S.; Eibel, C.; Herzog, B.; Hönig, T.; Schröder-Preikschat, W. (2016). Monitoring Bats in the Wild ‐ On Using Erasure Codes for Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 12 (1): 1-29. DOI: 10.1145/2875426. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Dressler, F.; Ripperger, S.; Hierold, M.; Nowak, T.; Eibel, C.; Cassens, B.; Mayer, F.; Meyer-Wegener, K.; Kolpin, A. 1328 Mayer, F. Dressler, F.; Ripperger, S.; Hierold, M.; Nowak, T.; Eibel, C.; Cassens, B.; Mayer, F.; Meyer-Wegener, K.; Kolpin, A. (2016). From radio telemetry to ultra-low-power sensor networks: tracking bats in the wild. IEEE Communications Magazine, 54 (1): 129-135. DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2016.7378438. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Eckenweber, M.; Knörnschild, M. 1172 Knörnschild, M. Eckenweber, M.; Knörnschild, M. (2016). Responsiveness to conspecific distress calls is influenced by day-roost proximity in bats (Saccopteryx bilineata). Royal Society Open Science, 3 (5): 160151. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160151. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Fabbi, S.; Citton, P.; Romano, M.; Cipriani, A. 266 Romano, M. Fabbi, S.; Citton, P.; Romano, M.; Cipriani, A. (2016). Detrital events within pelagic deposits of the Umbria-Marche Basin (Northern Apennines, Italy): further evidence of Early Cretaceous tectonics. Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences, 8: 39-52. DOI: 10.3304/JMES.2016.003. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Finck, J.; Berdan, E.; Mayer, F.; Ronacher, B.; Geiselhardt, S. 116 Mayer, F. Finck, J.; Berdan, E.; Mayer, F.; Ronacher, B.; Geiselhardt, S. (2016). Divergence of cuticular hydrocarbons in two sympatric grasshopper species and the evolution of fatty acid synthases and elongases across insects. Scientific Reports, 6 (33695): 1-13. DOI: 10.1038/srep33695. Department: Microevolution; Collection: DNA-/Gewebesammlung; Laboratory: DNA-lab; Laboratory: Bioacoustic lab 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Finck, J.; Kuntze, J.; Ronacher, B. 1370 null Finck, J.; Kuntze, J.; Ronacher, B. (2016). Chemical cues from females trigger male courtship behaviour in grasshoppers. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: 337-345. DOI: 10.1007/s00359-016-1081-4. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Fritsch, M.; Wollesen, T.; Wanninger, A. 1376 null Fritsch, M.; Wollesen, T.; Wanninger, A. (2016). Hox and ParaHox gene expression in early body plan patterning of polyplacophoran mollusks ‐ LOX ANDCdxEXPRESSION IN POLYPLACOPHORA. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution: 89-104. DOI: 10.1002/jez.b.22671. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Gaubert, P.; Patel, R.; Veron, G.; Goodman, S.; Willsch, M.; Vasconcelos, R.; Lourenço, A.; Sigaud, M.; Justy, F.; Joshi, B.; Fickel, J.; Wilting, A. 460 Willsch, M. Gaubert, P.; Patel, R.; Veron, G.; Goodman, S.; Willsch, M.; Vasconcelos, R.; Lourenço, A.; Sigaud, M.; Justy, F.; Joshi, B.; Fickel, J.; Wilting, A. (2016). Phylogeography of the small Indian civet and origin of introductions to western Indian Ocean islands. Journal of Heredity, 108 (3): 270–279. DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esw085. Laboratory: DNA-lab; Collection: DNA-/Gewebesammlung; Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Gray, D.; Gabel, E.; Blankers, T.; Hennig, R. 1355 Blankers, T. Gray, D.; Gabel, E.; Blankers, T.; Hennig, R. (2016). Multivariate female preference tests reveal latent perceptual biases. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences: 20161972. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.1972. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Günther, L.; Lopez, M.; Knörnschild, M.; Reid, K.; Nagy, M.; Mayer, F. 1093 Günther, L.; Knörnschild, M.; Mayer, F. Günther, L.; Lopez, M.; Knörnschild, M.; Reid, K.; Nagy, M.; Mayer, F. (2016). From resource to female defence: the impact of roosting ecology on a bat's mating strategy. Royal Society Open Science, 3 (11): 160503. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160503. Department: Microevolution; Collection: DNA-/Gewebesammlung; Laboratory: Bioacoustic lab 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Hierold, M.; Hartmann, M.; Ripperger, S.; Mayer, F.; Heuberger, A.; Weigel, R.; Koelpin, A. 105 Ripperger, S.; Mayer, F. Hierold, M.; Hartmann, M.; Ripperger, S.; Mayer, F.; Heuberger, A.; Weigel, R.; Koelpin, A. (2016). Low-weight wireless sensor node for animal encounter detection and dual-band localization. IEEETopical Conference on Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks: 21 - 23. DOI: 10.1109/wisnet.2016.7444311. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Hilgers, L.; Grau, J.; Pfaender, J.; Von Rintelen, T. 15 Hilgers, L.; Von Rintelen, T. Hilgers, L.; Grau, J.; Pfaender, J.; Von Rintelen, T. (2016). The complete mitochondrial genome of the viviparous freshwater snail Tylomelania sarasinorum (Caenogastropoda: Cerithioidea). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 1 (1): 330-331. DOI: 10.1080/23802359.2016.1172046. Department: Microevolution; Department: Biodiversity Discovery 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Malone, S.; Tulbure, M.; Pérez-Luque, A.; Assal, T.; Bremer, L.; Drucker, D.; Hillis, V.; Varela, S.; Goulden, M. 1356 Varela, S. Malone, S.; Tulbure, M.; Pérez-Luque, A.; Assal, T.; Bremer, L.; Drucker, D.; Hillis, V.; Varela, S.; Goulden, M. (2016). Drought resistance across California ecosystems: evaluating changes in carbon dynamics using satellite imagery. Ecosphere: e01561. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.1561. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Nkrumah, E.; Vallo, P.; Klose, S.; Ripperger, S.; Badu, E.; Gloza-Rausch, F.; Drosten, C.; Kalko, E.; Tschapka, M.; Oppong, S. 1326 null Nkrumah, E.; Vallo, P.; Klose, S.; Ripperger, S.; Badu, E.; Gloza-Rausch, F.; Drosten, C.; Kalko, E.; Tschapka, M.; Oppong, S. (2016). Foraging Behavior and Habitat Selection of Noack’s Round-Leaf Bat (Hipposideros aff. ruber) and Conservation Implications. Tropical Conservation Science, 9 (4): 1-11. DOI: 10.1177/1940082916680428. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Nosenko, T.; Böndel, K.; Kumpfmüller, G.; Stephan, W. 1224 Stephan, W. Nosenko, T.; Böndel, K.; Kumpfmüller, G.; Stephan, W. (2016). Adaptation to low temperatures in the wild tomato species Solanum chilense. Molecular Ecology, 25 (12): 2853-2869. DOI: 10.1111/mec.13637. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Ripperger, S.; Josic, D.; Hierold, M.; Koelpin, A.; Weigel, R.; Hartmann, M.; Page, R.; Mayer, F. 1325 Ripperger, S.; Josic, D.; Mayer, F. Ripperger, S.; Josic, D.; Hierold, M.; Koelpin, A.; Weigel, R.; Hartmann, M.; Page, R.; Mayer, F. (2016). Automated proximity sensing in small vertebrates: design of miniaturized sensor nodes and first field tests in bats. Ecology and Evolution, 6 (7): 2179-2189. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2040. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Sandberger-Loua, L.; Feldhaar, H.; Jehle, R.; Rödel, M.-O. 177 Sandberger-Loua, L.; Rödel, M.-O. Sandberger-Loua, L.; Feldhaar, H.; Jehle, R.; Rödel, M.-O. (2016). Multiple paternity in a viviparous toad with internal fertilisation. The Science of Nature, 103 (7-8): 1-23. DOI: 10.1007/s00114-016-1377-9. Department: Diversity Dynamics; This publication cites MfN collection specimens; Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Santos, P.; Courtiol, A.; Heidel, A.; Höner, O.; Heckmann, I.; Nagy, M.; Mayer, F.; Platzer, M.; Voigt, C.; Sommer, S. 111 Mayer, F. Santos, P.; Courtiol, A.; Heidel, A.; Höner, O.; Heckmann, I.; Nagy, M.; Mayer, F.; Platzer, M.; Voigt, C.; Sommer, S. (2016). MHC-dependent mate choice is linked to a trace-amine-associated receptor gene in a mammal. Scientific Reports, 6 (38490): 1-9. DOI: 10.1038/srep38490. Department: Microevolution; Laboratory: DNA-lab; Collection: DNA-/Gewebesammlung 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Smotherman, M.; Knörnschild, M.; Smarsh, G.; Bohn, K. 1171 Knörnschild, M. Smotherman, M.; Knörnschild, M.; Smarsh, G.; Bohn, K. (2016). The origins and diversity of bat songs. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 202 (8): 535-554. DOI: 10.1007/s00359-016-1105-0. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Von Heckel, K.; Stephan, W.; Hutter, S. 1225 Stephan, W. Von Heckel, K.; Stephan, W.; Hutter, S. (2016). Canalization of gene expression is a major signature of regulatory cold adaptation in temperate Drosophila melanogaster. BMC Genomics, 17 (574): 1-14. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-016-2866-0. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel peerrevartikel
Berdan, E.; Finck, J.; Johnston, P.; Waurick, I.; Mazzoni, C.; Mayer, F. 499 Waurick, I.; Mayer, F. Berdan, E.; Finck, J.; Johnston, P.; Waurick, I.; Mazzoni, C.; Mayer, F. (2017). Transcriptome profiling of ontogeny in the acridid grasshopper Chorthippus biguttulus. PLOS ONE, 12 (5): e0177367. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0177367. Department: Microevolution; Collection: DNA-/Gewebesammlung; Laboratory: DNA-lab; Laboratory: Bioacoustic lab 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Blankers, T.; Block, R.; Hennig, R. 662 Blankers, T. Blankers, T.; Block, R.; Hennig, R. (2017). Codivergence but Limited Covariance of Wing Shape and Calling Song Structure in Field Crickets (Gryllus). Evolutionary Biology, 45 (2): 144-155. DOI: 10.1007/s11692-017-9439-2. Department: Microevolution 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Croze, M.; Wollstein, A.; Božičević, V.; Živković, D.; Stephan, W.; Hutter, S. 1226 Stephan, W. Croze, M.; Wollstein, A.; Božičević, V.; Živković, D.; Stephan, W.; Hutter, S. (2017). A genome-wide scan for genes under balancing selection in Drosophila melanogaster. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17: 15. DOI: 10.1186/s12862-016-0857-z. Department: Microevolution; Laboratory: Computer cluster 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Engler, S.; Rose, A.; Knörnschild, M. 1168 Knörnschild, M. Engler, S.; Rose, A.; Knörnschild, M. (2017). Isolation call ontogeny in bat pups (Glossophaga soricina). Behaviour, 154 (3): 267-286. DOI: 10.1163/1568539x-00003421. Animal Science and Zoology;Behavioral Neuroscience; Department: Microevolution 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Escudero, M.; Balao, F.; Martín-Bravo, S.; Valente, L.; Valcárcel, V. 594 Valente, L. Escudero, M.; Balao, F.; Martín-Bravo, S.; Valente, L.; Valcárcel, V. (2017). Is the diversification of Mediterranean Basin plant lineages coupled to karyotypic changes?. Plant Biology, 20 (S1): 166-175. DOI: 10.1111/plb.12563. Plant Science; Ecology; Evolution; Behavior and Systematics; General Medicine; Department: Microevolution 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Fernandez, A.; Knörnschild, M. 1169 Knörnschild, M. Fernandez, A.; Knörnschild, M. (2017). Isolation calls of the bat Saccopteryx bilineata encode multiple messages. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 4 (2): 169-186. DOI: 10.12966/abc.04.05.2017. Department: Microevolution 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Gauffre-Autelin, P.; Von Rintelen, T.; Stelbrink, B.; Albrecht, C. 32 Von Rintelen, T. Gauffre-Autelin, P.; Von Rintelen, T.; Stelbrink, B.; Albrecht, C. (2017). Recent range expansion of an intermediate host for animal schistosome parasites in the Indo-Australian Archipelago: phylogeography of the freshwater gastropod Indoplanorbis exustus in South and Southeast Asia. Parasites & Vectors, 10 (126): 1-15. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-017-2043-6. Department: Microevolution; Department: Biodiversity Discovery 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Grau, J.; Hilgers, L.; Altmüller, J.; Šlechtová, V.; Bohlen, J. 455 Hilgers, L. Grau, J.; Hilgers, L.; Altmüller, J.; Šlechtová, V.; Bohlen, J. (2017). The complete mitochondrial transcript of the red tail loach Yasuhikotakia modesta as assembled from RNAseq (Teleostei: Botiidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2 (1): 46-47. DOI: 10.1080/23802359.2016.1275851. Department: Microevolution; Department: Biodiversity Discovery 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Grau, J.; Nagy, M.; Coraman, E.; Mayer, F. 456 Coraman, E.; Mayer, F. Grau, J.; Nagy, M.; Coraman, E.; Mayer, F. (2017). The complete mitochondrial genome of the lesser sac-winged bat Saccopteryx leptura (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae) from Costa Rica. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2 (1): 234-235. DOI: 10.1080/23802359.2017.1318679. Department: Microevolution; Collection: DNA-/Gewebesammlung; Laboratory: DNA-lab 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Günther, L.; Knörnschild, M.; Nagy, M.; Mayer, F. 443 Günther, L.; Knörnschild, M.; Mayer, F. Günther, L.; Knörnschild, M.; Nagy, M.; Mayer, F. (2017). The evolution of a rare mammalian trait – benefits and costs of male philopatry in proboscis bats. Scientific Reports, 7: 1-14. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-15990-6. Department: Microevolution; Laboratory: DNA-lab; Collection: DNA-/Gewebesammlung 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Jain, K.; Stephan, W. 1228 Stephan, W. Jain, K.; Stephan, W. (2017). Modes of Rapid Polygenic Adaptation. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 34 (12): 3169-3175. DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msx240. Department: Microevolution 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Jain, K.; Stephan, W. 1227 Stephan, W. Jain, K.; Stephan, W. (2017). Rapid Adaptation of a Polygenic Trait After a Sudden Environmental Shift. Genetics, 206 (1): 389-406. DOI: 10.1534/genetics.116.196972. Genetics; Department: Microevolution 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Knörnschild, M.; Blüml, S.; Steidl, P.; Eckenweber, M.; Nagy, M. 442 Knörnschild, M. Knörnschild, M.; Blüml, S.; Steidl, P.; Eckenweber, M.; Nagy, M. (2017). Bat songs as acoustic beacons - male territorial songs attract dispersing females. Scientific Reports, 7: 1-11. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-14434-5. Department: Microevolution 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Mumm, C.; Knörnschild, M. 502 Knörnschild, M. Mumm, C.; Knörnschild, M. (2017). Territorial choruses of giant otter groups (Pteronura brasiliensis) encode information on group identity. PLOS ONE, 12 (10): e0185733. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0185733. Department: Microevolution 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Patiño, J.; Whittaker, R.; Borges, P.; Fernández-Palacios, J.; Ah-Peng, C.; Araújo, M.; Ávila, S.; Cardoso, P.; Cornuault, J.; De Boer, E.; De Nascimento, L.; Gil, A.; González-Castro, A.; Gruner, D.; Heleno, R.; Hortal, J.; Illera, J.; Kaiser-Bunbury, C.; Matthews, T.; Papadopoulou, A.; Pettorelli, N.; Price, J.; Santos, A.; Steinbauer, M.; Triantis, K.; Valente, L.; Vargas, P.; Weigelt, P.; Emerson, B. 923 Valente, L. Patiño, J.; Whittaker, R.; Borges, P.; Fernández-Palacios, J.; Ah-Peng, C.; Araújo, M.; Ávila, S.; Cardoso, P.; Cornuault, J.; De Boer, E.; De Nascimento, L.; Gil, A.; González-Castro, A.; Gruner, D.; Heleno, R.; Hortal, J.; Illera, J.; Kaiser-Bunbury, C.; Matthews, T.; Papadopoulou, A.; Pettorelli, N.; Price, J.; Santos, A.; Steinbauer, M.; Triantis, K.; Valente, L.; Vargas, P.; Weigelt, P.; Emerson, B. (2017). A roadmap for island biology: 50 fundamental questions after 50 years of The Theory of Island Biogeography. Journal of Biogeography, 44 (5): 963-983. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12986. Department: Microevolution 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Rose, A.; Brändel, S.; Cvecko, P.; Engler, S.; Hiller, T.; Knörnschild, M.; Tschapka, M. 1170 Knörnschild, M. Rose, A.; Brändel, S.; Cvecko, P.; Engler, S.; Hiller, T.; Knörnschild, M.; Tschapka, M. (2017). New records of hypopigmentation in two neotropical phyllostomid bat species with different roosting habits (Uroderma bilobatum, Glossophaga soricina). Mammalia, 81 (6): 615–619. DOI: 10.1515/mammalia-2016-0086. Department: Microevolution 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Valente, L.; Etienne, R.; Dávalos, L. 435 Valente, L. Valente, L.; Etienne, R.; Dávalos, L. (2017). Recent extinctions disturb path to equilibrium diversity in Caribbean bats. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1: 0026. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-016-0026. Department: Microevolution 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Valente, L.; Illera, J.; Havenstein, K.; Pallien, T.; Etienne, R.; Tiedemann, R. 921 Valente, L. Valente, L.; Illera, J.; Havenstein, K.; Pallien, T.; Etienne, R.; Tiedemann, R. (2017). Equilibrium Bird Species Diversity in Atlantic Islands. Current Biology, 27 (11): 1660-1666.e5. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.04.053. General Biochemistry; Genetics and Molecular Biology;General Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Department: Microevolution 2017 artikel peerrevartikel
Blankers, T.; Vilaça, S.; Waurick, I.; Gray, D.; Hennig, R.; Mazzoni, C.; Mayer, F.; Berdan, E. 676 Blankers, T.; Waurick, I.; Mayer, F. Blankers, T.; Vilaça, S.; Waurick, I.; Gray, D.; Hennig, R.; Mazzoni, C.; Mayer, F.; Berdan, E. (2018). Demography and selection shape transcriptomic divergence in field crickets. Evolution, 72 (3): 553-567. DOI: 10.1111/evo.13435. Department: Microevolution; Collection: DNA-/Gewebesammlung; Laboratory: DNA-lab; Laboratory: Bioacoustic lab 2018 artikel peerrevartikel
Böndel, K.; Nosenko, T.; Stephan, W. 758 Stephan, W. Böndel, K.; Nosenko, T.; Stephan, W. (2018). Signatures of natural selection in abiotic stress-responsive genes of Solanum chilense. Royal Society Open Science, 5 (1): 171-198. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.171198. Department: Microevolution 2018 artikel peerrevartikel
Cassens, B.; Ripperger, S.; Hierold, M.; Mayer, F.; Kapitza, R. 545 Ripperger, S.; Mayer, F. Cassens, B.; Ripperger, S.; Hierold, M.; Mayer, F.; Kapitza, R. (2018). Automated Encounter Detection for Animal-Borne Sensor Nodes.. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks no page info. Department: Microevolution 2018 artikel peerrevartikel
David B., L.; Johan, R.; Dorina, L.; Patrick, D.; Klump, J. 838 null David B., L.; Johan, R.; Dorina, L.; Patrick, D.; Klump, J. (2018). Raritas: a program for counting high diversity categorical data with highly unequal abundances. PeerJ, 6: e5453. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.5453. Department: Microevolution; Department: Biodiversity Informatics 2018 artikel peerrevartikel
Doležálková-Kaštánková, M.; Pruvost, N.; Plötner, J.; Reyer, H.; Janko, K.; Choleva, L. 806 Plötner, J. Doležálková-Kaštánková, M.; Pruvost, N.; Plötner, J.; Reyer, H.; Janko, K.; Choleva, L. (2018). All-male hybrids of a tetrapod Pelophylax esculentus share its origin and genetics of maintenance. Biology of Sex Differences, 9 (13): 1-11. DOI: 10.1186/s13293-018-0172-z. Department: Microevolution 2018 artikel peerrevartikel
Duda, N.; Nowak, T.; Hartmann, M.; Schadhauser, M.; Cassens, B.; Wägemann, P.; Nabeel, M.; Ripperger, S.; Herbst, S.; Meyer-Wegener, K.; Mayer, F.; Dressler, F.; Schröder-Preikschat, W.; Kapitza, R.; Robert, J.; Thielecke, J.; Weigel, R.; Köplin, A. 1059 Ripperger, S.; Mayer, F. Duda, N.; Nowak, T.; Hartmann, M.; Schadhauser, M.; Cassens, B.; Wägemann, P.; Nabeel, M.; Ripperger, S.; Herbst, S.; Meyer-Wegener, K.; Mayer, F.; Dressler, F.; Schröder-Preikschat, W.; Kapitza, R.; Robert, J.; Thielecke, J.; Weigel, R.; Köplin, A. (2018). BATS: Adaptive Ultra Low Power Sensor Network for Animal Tracking. Sensors, 18 (10): 3343. DOI: 10.3390/s18103343. Department: Microevolution 2018 artikel peerrevartikel
Eldon, B.; Stephan, W. 691 Eldon, B.; Stephan, W. Eldon, B.; Stephan, W. (2018). Evolution of highly fecund haploid populations. Theoretical Population Biology, 119: 48-56. DOI: 10.1016/j.tpb.2017.10.002. Ecology; Evolution; Behavior and Systematics; Department: Microevolution 2018 artikel peerrevartikel
Hilgers, L.; Hartmann, S.; Hofreiter, M.; Von Rintelen, T. 665 Hilgers, L.; Von Rintelen, T. Hilgers, L.; Hartmann, S.; Hofreiter, M.; Von Rintelen, T. (2018). Novel Genes, Ancient Genes, and Gene Co-Option Contributed to the Genetic Basis of the Radula, a Molluscan Innovation. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35 (7): 1638-1652. DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msy052. Department: Diversity Dynamics; Department: Microevolution 2018 artikel peerrevartikel
Jensen, J.; Payseur, B.; Stephan, W.; Aquadro, C.; Lynch, M.; Charlesworth, D.; Charlesworth, B. 1229 Stephan, W. Jensen, J.; Payseur, B.; Stephan, W.; Aquadro, C.; Lynch, M.; Charlesworth, D.; Charlesworth, B. (2018). The importance of the Neutral Theory in 1968 and 50 years on: A response to Kern and Hahn 2018 ‐ COMMENTARY. Evolution, 73 (1): 111-114. DOI: 10.1111/evo.13650. Genetics;Ecology; Evolution; Behavior and Systematics;General Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Department: Microevolution 2018 artikel peerrevartikel
Valente, L.; Phillimore, A.; Etienne, R. 922 Valente, L. Valente, L.; Phillimore, A.; Etienne, R. (2018). Using molecular phylogenies in island biogeography: it's about time. Ecography, 41 (10): 1684-1686. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.03503. Ecology; Evolution; Behavior and Systematics; Department: Microevolution 2018 artikel peerrevartikel
Wilde, L.; Günther, L.; Mayer, F.; Knörnschild, M.; Nagy, M. 1092 Günther, L.; Mayer, F.; Knörnschild, M. Wilde, L.; Günther, L.; Mayer, F.; Knörnschild, M.; Nagy, M. (2018). Thermoregulatory Requirements Shape Mating Opportunities of Male Proboscis Bats. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 6: 1-14. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2018.00199. Department: Microevolution; Collection: DNA-/Gewebesammlung; Laboratory: DNA-lab 2018 artikel peerrevartikel
Burchardt, L.; Norton, P.; Behr, O.; Scharff, C.; Knörnschild, M. 1166 Knörnschild, M. Burchardt, L.; Norton, P.; Behr, O.; Scharff, C.; Knörnschild, M. (2019). General isochronous rhythm in echolocation calls and social vocalizations of the bat Saccopteryx bilineata. Royal Society Open Science, 6 (1): 1-12. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.181076. Department: Microevolution 2019 artikel peerrevartikel
Coraman, E.; Dietz, C.; Hempel, E.; Ghazaryan, A.; Levin, E.; Presetnik, P.; Zagmajster, M.; Mayer, F. 1390 Coraman, E.; Hempel, E.; Mayer, F. Coraman, E.; Dietz, C.; Hempel, E.; Ghazaryan, A.; Levin, E.; Presetnik, P.; Zagmajster, M.; Mayer, F. (2019). Reticulate evolutionary history of a Western Palaearctic Bat Complex explained by multiple mtDNA introgressions in secondary contacts. Journal of Biogeography, 46 (2): 343-354. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13509. Department: Microevolution; Laboratory: DNA-lab; Collection: DNA-/Gewebesammlung 2019 artikel peerrevartikel
Wilkinson, G.; Carter, G.; Bohn, K.; Caspers, B.; Chaverri, G.; Farine, D.; Günther, L.; Kerth, G.; Knörnschild, M.; Mayer, F.; Nagy, M.; Ortega, J.; Patriquin, K. 1298 Günther, L.; Knörnschild, M.; Mayer, F. Wilkinson, G.; Carter, G.; Bohn, K.; Caspers, B.; Chaverri, G.; Farine, D.; Günther, L.; Kerth, G.; Knörnschild, M.; Mayer, F.; Nagy, M.; Ortega, J.; Patriquin, K. (2019). Kinship, association, and social complexity in bats. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology: 1-7. DOI: 10.1007/s00265-018-2608-1. Animal Science and Zoology; Ecology; Evolution; Behavior and Systematics; Department: Microevolution 2019 artikel peerrevartikel
Knörnschild, M.; Eckenweber, M.; Fernandez, A.; Nagy, M. 1174 Knörnschild, M. Knörnschild, M.; Eckenweber, M.; Fernandez, A.; Nagy, M. (2016). Sexually Selected Vocalizations of Neotropical Bats. In: Jorge Ortega (eds.) Sociality in Bats. Cham: Springer International Publishing: (pp. 179-195). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38953-0_8. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel sammelbandbeitrag
Nagy, M.; Knörnschild, M. 1175 Knörnschild, M. Nagy, M.; Knörnschild, M. (2016). Sex-Biased Dispersal and Social Systems of Neotropical Emballonurids. In: Jorge Ortega (eds.) Sociality in Bats. Cham: Springer International Publishing: (pp. 47-63). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38953-0_3. Department: Microevolution 2016 artikel sammelbandbeitrag
Mumm, C.; Knörnschild, M. 1167 Knörnschild, M. Mumm, C.; Knörnschild, M. (2018). Mustelid Communication. In: Jennifer Vonk, Todd Shackelford (eds.) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Cham: Springer International Publishing: (pp. 1-11). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47829-6_1191-1. Department: Microevolution 2018 artikel sammelbandbeitrag
Plötner, J. 798 Plötner, J. Plötner, J. (2018). Conservation status and threats to the pool frog (Pelophylax lessonae) in Germany ‐ Zur Bestandssituation und Gefährdung des Kleinen Wasserfroschs (Pelophylax lessonae) in Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie: 23-44. Department: Microevolution 2018 artikel wissartikel
Hempel, E.; Coraman, E.; Dietz, C.; Mayer, F. 119 Hempel, E.; Coraman, E.; Mayer, F. Hempel, E.; Coraman, E.; Dietz, C.; Mayer, F. (2016). Evolution of ‘Natterer's bats’ inferred by sequencing mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. DOI: 10.1016/j.mambio.2016.07.025. Department: Microevolution; Collection: DNA-/Gewebesammlung; Laboratory: DNA-lab 2016 konfpo poster