The Science Programme Collection Future presents the Collection Discovery and Development project through short explanatory films. The videos should simply illustrate which processes and work steps take place in the project and what its added value for society is. Since the Museum für Naturkunde sees itself as a user-oriented, integrated research museum in dialogue with society, the explanatory films should also reach a non-scientific audience and invite them to participate.
Based on own texts, the videos were created in cooperation with the application laboratory Mediasphere for Nature using the Simpleshow video maker, with graphics by Christine Oymann.
Collection Future (Part 1): What is a research museum?
Hoffmann, J.; Kaplan, M.; Wimmer, M.; Schneider, T.; Dobberthin, J.; (2022). Was ist ein Forschungsmuseum?. [Dataset]. Data Publisher: Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN) - Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science.
Collection Future (Part 2): How we discover our collection
Hoffmann, J.; Kaplan, M.; Wimmer, M.; Schneider, T.; Dobberthin, J.; (2022). Wie erschließen wir unsere Sammlung?. [Dataset]. Data Publisher: Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN) - Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science.
Collection Future (Part 3): How you too can use our collection
Hoffmann, J.; Kaplan, M.; Wimmer, M.; Schneider, T.; Dobberthin, J. (2022). Für wen erschließen wir unsere Sammlung?. [Dataset]. Data Publisher: Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN) - Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science.
Collection Future (Part 4): How you can participate in our work
Hoffman, J.; Kaplan, M.; Wimmer, M.; Schneider, T.; Dobberthin, J. (2022). Wie du an unserer Arbeit teilhaben kannst. [Dataset]. Data Publisher: Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN) - Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science.
Collection Future (Part 5): How we make our knowledge accessible
Hoffman, J.; Kaplan, M.; Wimmer, M.; Schneider, T.; Dobberthin, J. (2022). Wie wir unser Wissen zugänglich machen. [Dataset]. Data Publisher: Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN) - Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science.