Please introduce yourself and your position at the MfN.
My name is Heiko Rund. I studied civil engineering and real estate management at the TU Berlin. For 25 years I have been working in project management of complex projects in the research and cultural sector. In November 2020, I took over the overall project management for the Future Plan of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.
What is your role in shaping the Future Plan?
In the overall project management of the Future Plan, the various strands of the Future Plan,
- collection discovery and development,
- knowledge transfer and
- construction
come together. It is my task to consider these different aspects of the Future Plan as a whole, to implement the project goals in terms of content, costs and deadlines, and thus to make the Future Plan a success.
What opportunities do you see in the implementation of the Future Plan for the museum and the society?
The Future Plan offers the opportunity to create an internationally leading research museum that can achieve unique things both in the field of research and in the field of knowledge transfer. The combination of collection, research and knowledge transfer at one location with an outstanding infrastructure offers the opportunity to discuss questions of the future on a daily basis and thus contribute to their solution.
Please describe your vision for the MfN in the year 2030?
The MfN 2030 is a place of international knowledge exchange, but also of education. I can digitally immerse myself in the collections and form my own picture of the diversity of the world. The exhibition conveys important knowledge about nature and its exploration. This place attracts researchers and visitors from all over the world and offers an open platform for education and discussion.
The interview was conducted by Dr. Gesine Steiner, press officer
Date: 25 May 2021
Here you can find further interviews that were conducted as part of the Future Plan.