Order Oldest firstNewest first AmberAmphibiansAnimal sound archiveProtection of SpeciesExtinction of SpeciesAstronomyExhibitionBiodiversityBirdsCitizen ScienceChildrenClimate ChangeCollaborationCollectionCollections ManagementCooperationCoralsCultural HeritageDatabaseDigitalizationEarth SciencesEcosystemImpactEventEvolutionFinanceFishesResearchResearch ClusterFossilsFuture PlanGeneticsGenomicsSocietyInsectsKnowledge TransferLaboratoriesMammalsMeteoritesMineralsMolluscaMorphologyMuseum VisitNatureOpen MuseumOpen SciencePlantsPodcastPoliticsReptilesResearch Data ManagementSaurScience CommunicationSpecial ExhibitionSpider Press release, 09-10-2024 Impact Research Earth Sciences Meteorites Scientists from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin on board the HERA space mission Scientists from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin are also part of the international teams of experts on HERA mission and were present at the launch. Press release, 05-03-2024 Exhibition Impact Earth Sciences Meteorites Spectacular meteorite to be exhibited at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin Exhibition Impact Earth Sciences Meteorites Press release, 05-03-2024 In January 2024, a meteorite fell to earth north-west of Berlin near the town of Ribbeck. Fragments of the meteorite, classified as a rare aubrite, will soon be on display at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. Starting on Tuesday, 12 March, in the exhibition of the mineral collection and only for a few weeks, as the material is fragile and will be further researched. Press release, 05-02-2024 Astronomy Impact Earth Sciences Meteorites Collection Meteor near Berlin classified as extremely rare Aubrite-type meteorite Initial chemical and mineralogical investigations of the meteorites collected from the strewn field produced by the breakup of asteroid 2024 BX1 were successfully carried out at the Museum für Naturkunde. Press release, 26-01-2024 Astronomy Impact Research Earth Sciences Meteorites Natural history museum reports further suspected meteorite finds Over the next few days, the pieces will be examined for their chemical composition and origin in the laboratories of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. Press release, 11-07-2023 Citizen Science Earth Sciences Climate Change Golden Spike candidate for the new age "Anthropocene" announced "Changing Natures": The scientific formalization of an age of man can only be a beginning. Press release, 22-11-2022 Evolution Earth Sciences Climate Change Meteorites Museum für Naturkunde Berlin combines geology, astronomy, climate and the development of biological diversity Astrophysicist Jenny Feige combines geology and astronomy in a unique way in her NoSHADE project at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin Press release, 23-09-2022 Impact Earth Sciences Cooperation Meteorites Collision eleven million kilometres away First attempt by mankind to change the orbit of a celestial body Press release, 22-08-2022 Exhibition Fossils Earth Sciences Reptiles Dinosaurs! Age of the giant lizards New special exhibition until 30 November 2023 Press release, 16-08-2022 Impact Earth Sciences Meteorites Meteoritical Society honours Kai Wünnemann and Gareth Collins with the Barringer Award 2022 The Barringer Award is one of the most important scientific awards given in the field of impact and crater research. Press release, 12-08-2022 Research Fossils Earth Sciences How life on land learned to breathe This discovery indicates that prerequisites of the mammalian way of walking and breathing were already present in some distantly related Permian ancestors. Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page Next › Last page Last »