Collection objects are data carriers. And data means information and therefore knowledge. Not only the scientific community, but also society as a whole should be able to share in this knowledge. That is why the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin is committed to promoting Open Science. It has adopted a copyright policy to secure the legal framework. In particular, digitized items from the ongoing digitization of the collection should remain quickly available without major hurdles. The Museum für Naturkunde uses Creative Commons copyright licenses (CC licenses) for objects from the digitization of the collection, which are readable by both humans and machines and show at first glance how the data can be reused.
The data and media created are generally available under a CC0 license or public domain mark for free subsequent use and in the spirit of Open Science. In exceptional cases, especially in the case of sensitive data or legally protected material, there may be different, more restrictive licensing (CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, CC-BY-NC, etc.). Data and media with undefined licensing will be published as all rights reserved, if at all.
You can read more about the policy in a post on the Mediasphere for Nature blog and view the policy as a PDF (in German) here.