The #Naturwissen (#NatureKnowledge) video series presents scientific topics in a clear and exciting way. The series starts with six- to ten-minute videos about "Animals in the City", is for use in kindergartens and primary schools, and is based on the school curricula. In German only.
Some animals feed on plants, others on smaller animals. Korbi and Fred, guides at the museum, present the model of the food chain using examples of Berlin's urban nature.
There are animals that live in our flats, houses and basements! Why they find it so cosy there and why they are even useful to us humans is what Korbi and Fred, guides at the museum, tell us in their biologist flat-share.
What do wild animals actually do in winter? How do they protect themselves from the cold? How do they satisfy their hunger? Jessica, guide at the museum, answers these questions in her discovery tour through the park.
Birds can be spotted almost everywhere in the city. However, precise observation is often not that easy. Fred and Korbi, guides at the museum, are on their trail with binoculars and camera. They show their exciting discoveries in the video.
Süßes oder Saurier: the kids podcast from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Were dinos green? Do hamsters and guinea pigs want to cuddle with us? And why do volcanoes steam? The reporter team of Jule Kaden and Sparky get to the bottom of these and many other children's questions.
Does anyone want a pet? A guinea pig, a cat or maybe even a snake? In the episode Bella, Pfiffi and Karli: Our Pets, Jule tells great stories about her little housemates.
On Spotify, Deezer, Apple Podcasts and everywhere else where you can listen to podcasts. In German only.
In #Wissenswert (#WorthKnowing), our guides report on exciting topics from nature - always relating to the museum's collection and research. For example, the episode "Abenteuer Outdoor" ("Adventure outdoor") shows what amphibians are and where you can find them. More topics of the series are available on YouTube. In German only.
Travel back in time with the time machine, watch a battle of the giants or go in search of the lost egg. In cooperation with the Trickmisch project of the Mobiles Sprachlabor, pupils of the Wilhelm-Hauff primary school produced exciting stop-motion films in June 2021.
The videos can be seen on the website of Trickmisch.

Materials for crafting and colouring
The following masks - partly inspired by exhibits in our exhibition - can be downloaded and individually designed. Please note that the cut-out masks are sharp-edged on normal printer paper.
Download: Wild animal masks - Dinosaur masks - Elephant masks
Further downloads: Butterflies to colour in - Coral reef craft sheet
There are also videos with various crafting and colouring instructions in our #Wissenswert (#WorthKnowing) series. In the step-by-step instructions by Gina, a guide at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, dinosaurs can be made with a square sheet of paper. In German only.
In another DIY video, Gina shows how to recreate fossils with plaster and a few home remedies.