Order Oldest firstNewest first AmberAmphibiansAnimal sound archiveProtection of SpeciesExtinction of SpeciesAstronomyExhibitionBiodiversityBirdsCitizen ScienceChildrenClimate ChangeCollaborationCollectionCollections ManagementCooperationCoralsCultural HeritageDatabaseDigitalizationEarth SciencesEcosystemImpactEventEvolutionFinanceFishesResearchResearch ClusterFossilsFuture PlanGeneticsGenomicsSocietyInsectsKnowledge TransferLaboratoriesMammalsMeteoritesMineralsMolluscaMorphologyMuseum VisitNatureOpen MuseumOpen SciencePlantsPodcastPoliticsReptilesResearch Data ManagementSaurScience CommunicationSpecial ExhibitionSpider Press release, 28-10-2024 Amphibians Research Science Communication How life strategies and habitats influence the regenerative capacities of salamanders Salamander besitzen als einzige Landwirbeltiere die außergewöhnliche Fähigkeit Gliedmaßen oder Teile des Schwanzes nach dem Verlust zu regenerieren. Der Axolotl ist Modelorganismus für die Regenerationsforschung. Press release, 10-01-2024 Amphibians Biodiversity Research Communication gets under the skin Researchers from Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and University of Würzburg dived into the world of frog communication Press release, 08-01-2024 Amphibians Evolution Research Fossils New early amphibian species discovered The new species lived almost 300 million years ago and was one of the largest predators of its time. Press release, 20-12-2023 Amphibians Biodiversity Research Climate Change Nature Dark frogs like it cool Frogs and toads have darker colours the colder it is in their habitat, the more pathogens threaten them there and the more they are exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Press release, 11-10-2023 Amphibians Protection of Species Biodiversity Ecosystem Female common frogs fake death to get rid of males Female common frogs can reject males and have developed a variety of mate avoidance behaviors to do so. Press release, 04-10-2023 Amphibians Protection of Species Extinction of Species Climate Change Investing in amphibians means investing in the future of our planet Amphibians remain the most threatened group of vertebrates and climate change emerges as major driver of amphibian declines globally Press release, 29-09-2022 Amphibians Biodiversity Ecosystem War disturbs nature permanently Frogs in empty savanne Press release, 13-10-2021 Amphibians Biodiversity Research Ecosystem Science Communication Vulnerable frogs: The rainforest is healing more slowly than expected Some frog species will never return Press release, 06-01-2021 Amphibians Evolution Research Mammals Knowledge Transfer Bugging bats: How and what do bats hear? most comprehensive comparative assessment of bat hearing capacities Press release, 28-09-2020 Amphibians Biodiversity Research Ecosystem Collection Super Frogs in Berlin Wie der Grasfrosch in den letzten 150 Jahren in Berlin und Brandenburg zurechtgekommen ist Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page Next › Last page Last »