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Live Talks "Diverse Science"


At the Live Talks "Diverse Science" we will show the diversity that has always existed in research. Researchers from different disciplines and institutions present their research, talk about their life's journey and share a biographical topic of their choice with the participants. A moderator accompanies the discussion.

Lina Samira Bahr (M.Sc. AG Clinical Neuroimmunology, Charité University Medicine Berlin) is talking about the NAMS Study – Nutritional Approaches in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). In the study, they not only investigate the effects on the course of MS, but also on numerous symptoms of MS, intestinal microbioma and quality of life.

Lina studied Biology and Chemistry at Humboldt University in Berlin, where she grew up. She followed-up with a Masters degree at University of Potsdam in Nutritional Science. Stays abroad in Hawai'i, Australia and Asia have shaped her values and views on life a lot. Since 2017 she is pursuing a PhD in Medical Sciences at Charité and investigates dietary interventions in Multiple sclerosis, with the goal to identify potential additive dietary therapies. And when she's not having her head in the books, shes with her twin sister Nadja, her Chihuahua Nala, practicing oriental dance or taking pictures while traveling.

Event information

  • Watch the recording of the presentation on our YouTube Playlist
  • Moderation with Chris Prüfert (PhD candidate in physical chemistry, University of Potsdam)

Further dates

  • 11.03.2021: Physics, information theory and machine learning
  • 01.04.2021: Cosmic Neutrinos from the Frontier
  • 15.04.2021: Brain Development and Function

Related Links

An event of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, realized within the context of the Action Plan of the Leibniz Research Museums under the motto "A World in Motion".