Order Oldest firstNewest first AmberAmphibiansAnimal sound archiveProtection of SpeciesExtinction of SpeciesAstronomyExhibitionBiodiversityBirdsCitizen ScienceChildrenClimate ChangeCollaborationCollectionCollections ManagementCooperationCoralsCultural HeritageDatabaseDigitalizationEarth SciencesEcosystemImpactEventEvolutionFinanceFishesResearchResearch ClusterFossilsFuture PlanGeneticsGenomicsSocietyInsectsKnowledge TransferLaboratoriesMammalsMeteoritesMineralsMolluscaMorphologyMuseum VisitNatureOpen MuseumOpen SciencePlantsPodcastPoliticsReptilesResearch Data ManagementSaurScience CommunicationSpecial ExhibitionSpider Press release, 10-09-2024 Collaboration Science Communication Knowledge Transfer TheMuseumsLab Fellows setting African and European museums in motion Das diesjährige Public Event des TheMuseumsLab im Museum für Naturkunde Berlin stand im Zeichen der Schaffung neuer Räume für internationale Zusammenarbeit zwischen Museumsmitarbeitenden, künstlerischer Ansätze zur Auseinandersetzung mit kolonialen Vergangenheiten und der gemeinsamen Gestaltung der Press release, 10-09-2024 Citizen Science Open Museum Event Beats & Bones Podcast Festival at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin After last year's outstanding success, the science podcast festival is entering its second round on Friday 11 October from 19:00 - midnight. Press release, 27-08-2024 Evolution Event Book launch at the Berliner Naturkundemuseum: What is evolution? The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and Arena Verlag cordially invite you to the exclusive book premiere of ‘Evolution - From the Origin of Life to Today’, written by the scientists Sarah Darwin and Eva-Maria Sadowski, on Friday, 13 September 2024 from 10:00 - 11:45 am. After the reading, there will be Press release, 20-08-2024 Exhibition Minerals Knowledge Transfer Petrified Times at Berliner Naturkundemuseum From 27 August to 1 September, the "Petrified Times" project group of the Netzwerk Naturwissen is presenting an artistic intervention in the Mineral Hall of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin that combines science and art. Press release, 19-08-2024 Research Fossils Science Communication New tetrapod discoveries at Bromacker research excavation This year's excavation at the world-famous Bromacker fossil site in Thuringia has come to an end and was a complete success. Press release, 08-08-2024 Open Museum Event Berlin Secrets at Naturkundemuseum The Lange Nacht der Museum on 24 August is all about "Berlin Secrets". The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin exploring objects hidden in stone, buried in amber and wrapped in file covers. Press release, 07-08-2024 Protection of Species Citizen Science Science Communication New wild bee rally app through the capital Berlin is setting an example for the protection of pollinators and taking another step towards becoming a wild bee capital: a digital treasure hunt, which was developed as part of the joint project " Mehr Bienen für Berlin – Berlin blüht auf!", makes it possible to experience the fascinating world o Press release, 30-07-2024 Research Cluster Minerals Science Communication Vom Steinbruch ins Atelier Das Buch „Vom Steinbruch ins Atelier“, das im Juli 2024 innerhalb der Reihe Laborberichte des VDG Weimar erschienen ist, zeigt die Ergebnisse einer interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit am Beispiel der Gesteinssammlung von Karl Wilhelm Nose am Museum für Naturkunde Berlin Press release, 24-07-2024 Extinction of Species Biodiversity Climate Change Nature High loss of species in Berlin The team of the Research Cluster “NaturBerlin” at the Museum für Naturkunde has published a study on species loss in Berlin. The results reveal a species loss of 16% since the end of the 17th century and demonstrate that the loss of species depends on increasing urbanisation as well as the geographi Press release, 08-07-2024 Evolution Saur Knowledge Transfer New Bromacker-tetrapod is named after UNESCO-Geopark in Thuringia Neue Ursaurier-Art aus der 290 Millionen Jahre alten Bromacker-Fossilfundstätte (unteres Perm) gibt Aufschluss über die Evolution der Pflanzenfresser und frühe Landwirbeltier-Ökosystem. Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 … Next page Next › Last page Last »