Order Oldest firstNewest first AmberAmphibiansAnimal sound archiveProtection of SpeciesExtinction of SpeciesAstronomyExhibitionBiodiversityBirdsCitizen ScienceChildrenClimate ChangeCollaborationCollectionCollections ManagementCooperationCoralsCultural HeritageDatabaseDigitalizationEarth SciencesEcosystemImpactEventEvolutionFinanceFishesResearchResearch ClusterFossilsFuture PlanGeneticsGenomicsSocietyInsectsKnowledge TransferLaboratoriesMammalsMeteoritesMineralsMolluscaMorphologyMuseum VisitNatureOpen MuseumOpen SciencePlantsPodcastPoliticsReptilesResearch Data ManagementSaurScience CommunicationSpecial ExhibitionSpider Press release, 31-01-2025 Research Science Communication Bat social calls reveal individual personality traits Forscherinnen des Museums für Naturkunde Berlin fanden heraus, dass soziale Lautäußerungen von Fledermäusen wichtige Hinweise auf ihre individuellen Persönlichkeitsmerkmale geben können. Press release, 22-11-2024 Research Fossils Science Communication 50 years since the first bone discovery at Bromacker Today, the 290-million-year-old Bromacker in Thuringia is one of the world's most important fossil sites. Press release, 04-11-2024 Research Society Berlin researchers train for exceptional medical situations away from civilisation der Zivilisation Researchers from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin are currently training for such or similar scenarios in a special outdoor first aid course. Press release, 28-10-2024 Amphibians Research Science Communication How life strategies and habitats influence the regenerative capacities of salamanders Salamander besitzen als einzige Landwirbeltiere die außergewöhnliche Fähigkeit Gliedmaßen oder Teile des Schwanzes nach dem Verlust zu regenerieren. Der Axolotl ist Modelorganismus für die Regenerationsforschung. Press release, 23-10-2024 Open Museum Event Science Communication Knowledge Transfer Berlin Science Week CAMPUS at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin On 1 and 2 November 2024, the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin will once again become the Berlin Science Week CAMPUS Press release, 21-10-2024 Cooperation Event Science Communication New audio guide to Queering Nature at Berlin's Natural History Museum A new audio guide, which is available free of charge to anyone interested via the website of the Berlin Natural History Museum, focuses on the queer-historical view of nature and science. Press release, 09-10-2024 Impact Research Earth Sciences Meteorites Scientists from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin on board the HERA space mission Scientists from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin are also part of the international teams of experts on HERA mission and were present at the launch. Press release, 10-09-2024 Collaboration Science Communication Knowledge Transfer TheMuseumsLab Fellows setting African and European museums in motion Das diesjährige Public Event des TheMuseumsLab im Museum für Naturkunde Berlin stand im Zeichen der Schaffung neuer Räume für internationale Zusammenarbeit zwischen Museumsmitarbeitenden, künstlerischer Ansätze zur Auseinandersetzung mit kolonialen Vergangenheiten und der gemeinsamen Gestaltung der Press release, 10-09-2024 Citizen Science Open Museum Event Beats & Bones Podcast Festival at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin After last year's outstanding success, the science podcast festival is entering its second round on Friday 11 October from 19:00 - midnight. Press release, 27-08-2024 Evolution Event Book launch at the Berliner Naturkundemuseum: What is evolution? The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and Arena Verlag cordially invite you to the exclusive book premiere of ‘Evolution - From the Origin of Life to Today’, written by the scientists Sarah Darwin and Eva-Maria Sadowski, on Friday, 13 September 2024 from 10:00 - 11:45 am. After the reading, there will be Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 … Next page Next › Last page Last »