In the representation of scientists, a very homogeneous, mostly cis-male, white image still dominates. Yet science has always been much more diverse!
In the Live Talk series Diverse Science we show the diversity that has always existed in research. Researchers from different disciplines and institutions present their research, talk about their life's journey and share a biographical topic of their choice with the participants. A moderator accompanies the discussion.
Find out who is behind the research, how these people have found their way to their research topics and what shapes them and get into conversation with the people.
The series takes place in cooperation with the LGBTQ+ STEM Berlin Community.
Dates, Speakers and Research Topics
- 26.11.2020: Magnus Schwieters (Fraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Polymerforschung): Nanotechnology for filters: Ultra-thin membranes
- 03.12.2020: Nicolas Baird (Museum für Naturkunde Berlin): Integrative Taxonomy and Integrative Exchange: Queerness and Community in Science and Art
- 10.12.2020: Lina Samira Bahr (Nutritional Sciences Charité): NAMS Study - Nutritional Approaches in Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- 11.03.2021: Dr. Ro Jefferson (NORDITA, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics): Physics, information theory and machine learning
- 01.04.2021: Dr. Summer Blot (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchroton/DESY): Cosmic Neutrinos from the Frontier
- 15.04.2021: Dr. Rachel Lippert (Head of Junior research Group „Neuronal Systems“, Deutsches Institut für Ernährungsforschung Potsdam-Rehbrücke, DIfE): Brain Development and Function
All Graphic Recordings of each date:
Event information
- Zoom Webinar and live on YouTube
- Participants can ask questions directly and enter into a dialogue or can introduce questions in the chat, which are forwarded by the moderator.
Further Information
- More about the Experimental Field
- An overview of further digital offers can be found here: #fürNatur digital
An event of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, realized within the context of the Action Plan of the Leibniz Research Museums under the motto "A World in Motion".