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Ulrike Sturm

Ulrike Sturm
  • Publikationen

    • Bessert-Nettelbeck M, Bischof A, Sturm U, Nagy E, Schraudner M, Backhaus J, Bruckermann T, Hecker S, Henke J, Köpferl K, Kirschke S, Liedtke C, Mahr F, Maibaum A, Podann AC, Rössig W, Schäfer M, Schröder C, Schrögel P, Shennan V, Steinhaus N, Stewart M, van den Bogaert V, Voigt-Heucke S (2023) Participation as a research approach in academia: a converging field. Research Ideas and Outcomes 9: e105155. https://doi.org/10.3897/rio.9.e105155
    • von Gönner, J., Herrmann, T. M., Bruckermann, T., Eichinger, M., Hecker, S., Klan, F., Lorke, J., Richter, A., Sturm, U., & Voigt-Heucke, S. (2023). Citizen science's transformative impact on science, citizen empowerment and socio-political processes. Socio-Ecological Practice Research, 5, 1–23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42532-022-00136-4
    • Jäckel, D., Mortega, K.G., Darwin, S., Brockmeyer, U., Sturm, U., Lasseck, M., Moczek, N., Lehmann, G.U.C., Voigt-Heucke, S.L. (2023) Community engagement and data quality: Best practices and lessons learned from a citizen science project on birdsong. J. Ornithol. 164, 233–244. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10336-022-02018-8
    • Tscholl, M. & Sturm, U. (2022) Posting nature: A critical perspective on analysing cultural ecosystem services on Instagram. Journal of Environmental Media, 3 (2): 255 - 271. https://doi.org/10.1386/jem_00089_1
    • Tscholl, M., Weißpflug, M., Wedel, M., Sturm, U. (2022) People and nature – fostering inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration for biodiversity and sustainable human interactions. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 35(3). https://doi.org/10.1080/13511610.2022.2104784
    • Sturm, U., Heyne, E., Herrmann, E., Arends, B., Dieter, A.-L., Dorfman, E., Drauschke, F., Heller, N., Kahn, R., Kaiser, K., Koch, G., Kramar, N., Mansilla Sánchez, A., Mauelshagen. F., Nadim, T., Pell, R., Petersen, M., Schmidt-Loske, K., Scholz, H., Sterling, C., Trischler, H., Wagner, S. (2022) Anthropocenic Objects. Collecting Practices for the Age of Humans. Research Ideas and Outcomes 8: e89446. https://doi.org/10.3897/rio.8.e89446
    • Sturm, U., Straka, T.M., Moormann, A., Egerer, M. (2021) Fascination and Joy: Emotions Predict Urban Gardeners’ Pro-Pollinator Behaviour. Insects. 12(9):785. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects12090785
    • Moormann, A., Sturm, U. (2021) Naturerfahrung durch Citizen Science-Projekte. In: Gebhard U., Lude A., Möller A., Moormann A. (eds) Naturerfahrung und Bildung. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-35334-6_21
    • Jäckel, D., Mortega, K.G., Sturm, U., Brockmeyer, U., Khorramshahi, O., Voigt-Heucke, S.L. (2021) Opportunities and limitations: A comparative analysis of citizen science and expert recordings for bioacoustic research. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0253763. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0253763
    • Planillo, A., Fiechter, L., Sturm. U., Voigt-Heucke, S., Kramer-Schadt S. (2021) Citizen science data for urban planning: comparing different sampling schemes for modelling urban bird distribution. Landscape and Urban Planning 211(6):104098
    • Sturm, U., Voigt-Heucke, S., Mortega, K.G., Moormann, A. (2020) Die Artenkenntnis von Berliner Schüler_innen am Beispiel einheimischer Vögel. ZfDN 26, 143–155. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40573-020-00117-8
    • Stehle, M., Lasseck. M., Khorramshahi, O., Sturm, U. (2020) Evaluation of acoustic pattern recognition of nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) recordings by citizens. Research Ideas and Outcomes 6: e50233. https://doi.org/10.3897/rio.6.e50233
    • Sturm, U., Voigt-Heucke, S., Mortega, K.G., Moormann, A. (2020) Die Artenkenntnis von Berliner Schüler_innen am Beispiel einheimischer Vögel. Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaft. DOI: 10.1007/s40573-020-00117-8
    • Stehle M, Lasseck M, Khorramshahi O, Sturm U (2020) Evaluation of acoustic pattern recognition of nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) recordings by citizens. Research Ideas and Outcomes 6: e50233. https://doi.org/10.3897/rio.6.e50233
    • Sturm, U.; Tscholl, M. (2019). The role of digital user feedback in a user-centred development process in citizen science. Journal of Science Communication, 18 (1): 1-19. DOI: 10.22323/2.18010203.
    • Sturm, U., Moormann, A. & Faber, A. (2018) Mobile learning in environmental citizen science: An initial survey of current practice in Germany. it - Information Technology, 60(1), pp. 3-9. https://doi.org/10.1515/itit-2017-0021. 
    • Luna, S., Gold, M., Albert, A., Ceccaroni, L., Claramunt, B., Danylo, O., Haklay, M., Kottmann, R., Kyba, C., Piera, J., Radicchi, A., Schade, S., and Sturm, U., 2018. Developing mobile applications for environmental and biodiversity citizen science: considerations and recommendations.  In: Joly A., Vrochidis S., Karatzas K., Karppinen A., Bonnet P. (eds) Multimedia Tools and Applications for Environmental & Biodiversity Informatics. (pp. 9-30) Springer, Cham.
    • Sturm U, Schade S, Ceccaroni L, Gold M, Kyba C, Claramunt B, Haklay M, Kasperowski D, Albert A, Piera J, Brier J, Kullenberg C, Luna S (2018) Defining principles for mobile apps and platforms development in citizen science. Research Ideas and Outcomes 4: e23394. https://doi.org/10.3897/rio.4.e23394 (V2)
    • Sturm, U., Schade, S., Ceccaroni, L., Gold, M., Kyba, C., Claramunt, B., Haklay, M., Kasperowski, D., Albert, A., Piera, J., Brier, J., Kullenberg, C., Luna, S. (2017) Defining principles for mobile apps and platforms development in citizen science. Research Ideas and Outcomes 3: e21283. https://doi.org/10.3897/rio.3.e21283
  • Projekte

  • Aufgabenbereiche

    Wissenschaftliche Referentin Innovation für Natur und Gesellschaft
    Leitung der Arbeitsgruppe Mensch-Natur-Beziehungen im Anthropozän